Chapter six

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 ~Edited chapter~

Please enjoy.


Rose could hardly sleep that night or the next. She wondered how Jet would style his hair the next day. Would he still be bummed out that the date had been cut short? Was he thinking about her? She had too many question and no way to answer them right there and then, and she hated it. Rose started to assume that Jet would move on, even though it was clear that she wasn’t a faze for him.

Jet was lying on his bed staring at his alarm clock that read, 1:14 am, Thursday. He ran his hands slowly over his face. He was confused about Rose’s reaction to what he said. He got the vibe that she was into him. Maybe she was just shocked. Jet thought then rolled over and looked out the window. He had opened the curtains enough so he could see then moon. It was a full moon tonight, it lit up the sky and threw a washed out light over everything. There was a cat roaming the streets, a car drove down the quiet street, the house across the street was blacked out except for one room. Jet didn’t know who lived there but he wondered if they were up thinking as well. Pondering over their feelings for someone. Jet’s gaze honed on a single streetlight until he went cross-eyed.

Jet didn’t see sleep coming easily.

Jets alarm blaring later that morning had him sitting up as straight as a stick and breathing heavily. He hadn’t remembered it being so loud. He hit the off button and fell back into his pillow with a sigh. A couple of feathers were pushed from the pillow on impact and swished through the air around Jet’s head. After a few seconds they swung back down towards his face. He blew out and sent them spinning upwards again. He couldn’t help but compare the pillow feathers to Rose. One slight disturbance pushed her away just as she got in reach. He could also see it in another way, a way that made Jet’s don’t-get-too-close side all too prominent. Jet scared away people, Rose, when she got all too close for comfort. He knew his feelings would scare Rose because she had tried to hard to push people away, and yet he still told her how he felt. However way he looked at it Rose was still the soft and delicate feather and Jet was the wind that could break her and send her spiralling in the other direction. He had to be delicate with her, and not just because of the cancer.

Jet got up a few minutes later and headed into the bathroom to have a shower. He let the water run down his body from head to toe. He hung his head and opened his mouth. Jet blew out the captivity of his lungs. When they burned he sucked the air back in and repeated.

“Rose.” He whispered and ran his hands through his hair. He didn’t know whether to give her space or make the first move. Jet didn’t want to crowd her especially if all she needed was time. Georgina had told him everything he wanted to know about Rose, mostly he just wanted to know what she did to push everyone away and why.

Jet turned off the taps and stepped out of the shower. Dripping, he reached for his towel and dried himself off before wrapping the towel around his waist and shaking out his drenched black hair. Jet looked in the mirror and flexed the muscles in his arms and stomach. There was a rap at the bathroom door and Jet jumped.

“Jet, are you decent?” His step dad Peter called.

“Yeah,” he called back. The door opened and he walked out just as his step dad walked in.

“Looking good buddy.” He cheered and patted his shoulder. Jet was a head taller and probably as muscular as Peter. They had constant arm wrestles to see who was the strongest. Jet won mostly but only because he worked out to release his anger.

“Thanks man, see yah.” Jet said then walked down the hall and into his room. Jet had a good relationship with his step dad. He was nice and wouldn’t hurt a fly; this was why he approved of his mum marrying the guy.

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