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While lance strolled along, increasingly regretting what he said, a tall muscular man in a black hoodie stopped him.

"Hi! You dont happen to know where Paladins is do you?"

Lance replied sweetly, "I do actually! I work there. So go straight down this street, make a left, and it's on that street there. Pretty hard to miss."

"Wait. You work there?"

"I do, yes."

"You seem a little sweet to be a stripper."

He blushed a little, "oh! I'm not a stripper. Im a...." he suddenly realized he doesnt have a regular job there, "an assistant bar tender. Yeah."

"That's odd, because you look awfully familiar."

Lance just continued to smile, "Its a small city, maybe you've seen me around."

The man leaned in closer, and lance smelt alchohol on his breath.

"Why dont you come with me? We could have a fun time."

"No thankyou! I need to get home, and I would feel bad for my boyfriend if I did that."

The man grabbed Lance's arm, "cmon! He doesnt have to know."

He released himself from their grip, and started to walk away, "sorry! Maybe another time."

The hooded figure became increasingly agressive grabbing Lance's arm again, "dont be so shy!"

Lance broke free again, but this time he slipped, and hit his face on the pavement.

He got up slowly, "look just leave me alone okay?"

"Fine. Your face is all messed up now anyways."

The man walked away, and lance felt a drop of blood fall from his nose


Just then, a pair of hed lights came speeding down the dark road, and stopped suddenly.

Lance watched as someone got out of the car,

"Oh my God lance! I'm so sorry!"


After feeling another drop, he held his nose shut.

"Are you okay? Did someone hurt you? I'm so sorry I shouldnt have let you go home alone"

"Its okay I just fell...but. I'm sorry too. I should've let you explain yourself. I've just been feeling kind of weird lately."

Keith looked through his car, and took out a tissue box.

He handed it to lance, who cleaned up his bloody nose.

He grinned, "There. Now you're not bleeding."

Lance smiled back, "Yeah, Thanks."

Dirty Mugs-klanceWhere stories live. Discover now