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Two days pass, and lance was taking a shower when he heard his phone ring.

He quickly got out,


"Hey! I have a surprise for you! Come outside!"

"Alright, I just got out of the shower, give like 5 minutes."

"Take your time!"

Lance couldnt see it, but he could feel their smile. He quickly got dressed, and rushed to the door.

"Keith!!" He jumped into his arms, holding him tight.

"I brought you some lunch, I want to make sure youre eating well."

"I'm eating just fine! I dont need you mothering me."

"Well get used to it."

They went inside, and sat in the living room.

Lance sat with his legs up on the couch, leaning against Keith's side while munching on the food brought for him.

"You know, I feel so much better after taking this break. I love the spring time."

"I'm glad your happy."

"I got a call from the doctor today, they said my mom is doing better! She may even recover!"

Keith kept responding, acting like he didnt fly another doctor in from another country just to treat her, "that's great, I hope she gets better soon"

Lance snuggled closer, "me too. Then she can come home and I wont be so lonely all the time. Maybe I should get a dog, but I probably cant afford it."

His cheeks started to turn red, "well... I could... come visit more often if you want me to"

"Really? I'd love that!" He leaned up, kissing keith on the cheek.

Keith could barley speak he was so flustered, "eh... okay."

"Just dont bring me gifts all the time. Your making me feel bad."

"Is it too much? Sorry I just wanted to make you happy."

"Silly! You being here for me makes me happier than any gift under the sun!"

"Stop! Your making me blush!"


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