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"I have a show tonight, I still have to work that job, even on my break. You can come if you want, but you probably would've shown up anyways."

"Yeaaah, probably...But,  I have something to tell you."


"You dont have to worry about your mom's bills. They've been taken care of."

"What?! How?!"

"That's not important, just tell me you wont overwork yourself anymore okay?"

"Was it you?! Keith that's insane! I cant accept that! I need to pay you back!"

"Why? I never spend money on anything, this was the perfect opportunity to use it on someone I care about."

"...keith..." he teared up, but his tears were warm, and happy.

"You know how you can pay me back?"

"How?! Anything!"

"Be mine."

"...be yours?"

Keith blushed, starting to stutter. "Y-yeah! Like and I'll be yours and you'll be mine!"

"Your insane! Haha! Of course! I wouldnt want to be anyone else's"

"Great. Now I've been repayed. Wait, one more thing, a kiss"

Lance got up, and hovered over Keith, putting his hands on his jaw.

He leaned into Keith's deaf ear, "keith kogane, I'll love you til the day I die."


"Nothing!" To distract him, lance surprised keith with the kiss he asked for.

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