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Keith looked for the door with a little plaque that read, "CEO Adam: VIP"

"Eh, what a nuisance. This hallway is so dam long! Too bad I have such a bad memory, I used to come here everyday."

After searching for a few more minutes, he made it to the end of the hallway, "ah. There it is"

He used his key to unlock the door, and creaked the door open.

"Keith! It's about time. Romelle buzzed you in 15 minutes ago! What took you so long?"

"Well, if you must know, I talked to shay for a bit, and...got kind of lost in the hallway."

"Sigh, only you kid. Sit down, tell me what's up."

After sitting down, he pouted slightly, knowing he was going to have a hard time talking about this.

"I need to find a really good doctor. One that specializes in deadly diseases."

"What? Again? Why?"

"This time it's less urgent, but more crucial. If I need the best doctor in the world, I'll find them."

"Well, if you want a better doctor than the one from before, you may have to go out of country."

"I'm willing. But I'd have to make a lot of arrangements. I'll have shay do some research for me."

"Keith, what's this for?"

"Lance. His mom told me hes likely to get the same disease as her. And once it get critical, it's not completly treatable. We need to get rid of it now."

"...that's terrible. I see why you seem so anxious then. I'll also look into it. I'll tell you when I find a suitable doctor."

"Wait. Lance doesnt know. I promised his mom I wouldnt tell him, and just let him live his life happy. But, that wont stop me from doing something about it."

"Okay... have shay book a nice hotel, and tell lance it's a business trip. But, you should proably tell him eventually."

"Of course. Thankyou so much."

"No problem. I would do the same thing if it were you or shiro."

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