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Later, Keith headed home. He has his own apartment, but Adam and Shiro prefer it when he stays at their mansion.

He hung up his coat, and was instantly greeted by shiro,

"Sup kiddo! I'm glad you decided to come home today. And not go to that dusty apartment of yours."

"You two are 'technically' my parents, and I'm not a kid anymore. Isnt it kind of weird for me to still be living with my parents at this age?"

"Normally, but we live in such a big house, it feels so empty without you here"

"You realize that if I ever move in with Lance we wont be living here right?"

Shiro pouted, "why nooooot?"

"Sigh. I'm tired. Let's talk about this later."

"Go have some rest. Adam is making some food, so I'll come get you when its done."

"Im not going to complain, but its like 10pm, why are you making food?"

"We haven't eaten dinner yet because we were having...er... doing adult stuff."

Keith's eyebrows furrowed as he walked away, "I fully regret asking. You two are gross"


At the dinner table,

"Thanks for the food adam"

"No problem keithy! I'm just happy you decided to come HOME today"

"You guys are too much"

Just as shiro was about to speak, Keith's phone went off, "sorry its lance. I'll be right back"


"What's up?"

"K-keith? I-im at the hospital right now with my m-mom. Can you come please?"

The panic in Lance's voice alarmed him, and he ran to the front door without hesitation, "of course, are you alright? What happened?"

"I- I dunno! I was at home and they c-called me and told me shes not only relapsing, but she could die!"

"I'm in the car, I'm coming"

"O-okay... I'm in her hospital room but shes with the doctors somewhere else"

"Just hold on okay? Everything will be fine."


Keith sprinted into the hospital and up to the room, "I'm here!"

He saw lance sitting on a couch, his shirt soaked with tears.

Hesistanly, he sat next to him.

"Hey... lance... I bet she'll be fine."

"I dont know what to do! Shes the only family I have left... if I lose her I..."

Keith put his arms around lance giving him a comforting hug, and kissed his forehead, "I know it's not much, but im here for you. Shes going to be fine, and she will be able to go home with you eventually."

"You being here means a lot to me... sorry I called you so late."

"I'm happy to be here. The only problem is I didnt tell shiro or adam i was leaving."

Lance chuckled slightly while leaning on Keith's chest, "heh, you idiot. Your always so irresponsible"

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