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After a while of chatting and watching TV, keith realized lance fell asleep on his shoulder.

He smiled slightly, "you deserve the world, and now that your mine, I'm going to give it to you."


"Hey, wake up, your going to be late."

"Hm? But I'm so comfortable! Just another minute..." lance snuggled into Keith's arm, but suddenly realized what he was doing. He quickly got up, and put his hand over his face in embarrassment.

"You've only got 30 minutes to get there and get ready... sorry I should've waken you up earlier," he scratched his head as he grinned, "but you looked so peaceful I couldnt bring myself to do it."

"Ah! I've gotta run!"

"Dont worry, I'll drive you, just grab your things."

Lance clapped his hands together, giving a stern look, "perfect! I have to do my makeup here since your driving me though. I'll be back!"
He skipped into the other room.


They burst through the door, no extra time to spare,

"Star boy! Your late!"

"Sorry pidgeon! I fell asleep"

She looked around him, spotting keith, who was on his phone.

"Oh... I get it...heeeheee"


"Haha, I wont. Get on that stage loser."

Lance left quickly, and pidge turned to keith.

She smiled at him as sweetly as she could, "Hi!"

"Hi, I'm keith."

"Oh I know." Her tone got extremely defensive, yet she still smiled, "if you hurt him, I'll kill you. Got it?"

"Hahaha! Understood." He rubbed her hair, making her jump around.

"Hey dont do that!"

"Heh, sorry, but seriously, you dont have to worry about him. I'd do anything to make him happy."

"You better!"

He bowed, "you have my word. Swear on my life little girl."

"Good. Anyways, I got work to do. Go watch the show big shot"

Keith raised his eyebrow, but followed her order and sat at a round table close to the stage.

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