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Lance stomped into the changing room, not knowing why he was so angry

He yelled in his mind, "Agh! I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have done that! I cant just- lead him on like that, I'm catfishing him! Isnt that literally illegal?! I'm so stressed out... maybe I could, have a good time just tonight. I mean, I dont have work tomorrow, I'll just sleep in and visit mama."

He walked out of the room completely contradicting himself, still screaming in his mind.

As soon as he turned the corner, "uff!"

Someone grabbed his hands, and pushed him up against the wall. They held his hands above his head with one arm, and had the other on the wall

"What do you think your doing?! Let go of me!"

"But your such a pretty boy, it's unfair of you not to share."

Lance looked at him, and it was the same guy who assaulted him the first time, "please let go."

"How much? How much do you cost star boy?"

"I would never sell my body!"

"Oh yeah? Well what made that runt so special durning your song?"

Lance remembered, instantly regretting it even more.

"That's different! Just let go! This is a literal strip club! Go find a stripper!"

"Yeah, but they dont exactly have my type... and... how much did that kid pay you? I'll double it"

Lance jerked and kicked, trying to break free, "you jerk! This isnt how you make someone want to be with you!"

"But it's more fun when they resist"

"I swear ill" lance teared up, realizing he was stuck, and no one could hear him over the music.

"You'll what? Tell your little boyfrien-"

Just like the first time, lance blinked, and the guy was no longer standing in front of him. Keith was.

He kicked the guy one more time, "Sorry I didnt come sooner. I had a weird feeling you were in trouble."

Lance couldnt beleive it, *he did it again! He apologized!*

He didnt know why, but his eyes pooled with more tears, and he leaped forward into Keith's arms.

"Are you alright? He didnt hurt you did he?"

His voice was shakey, "Thankyou...thankyou"

Lance loosened the hug putting his lips on Keith's.

His mind was racing, "no one has ever cared about me like this... he knew I was in trouble, just like before... it's like you always said mama, I'd fine someone who knew when i needed them... but..."

Lance broke away, realizing his mistake.

"I-im sorry. I shouldnt be doing this to you... I need you to forget about me."

"What? Why?!"

"I havent been truthful to you. I cant tell you, but if you found out, youd probably hate me."

"That's not possible."

"It...it is. Trust me."

Suddenly, Lance's phone started to ring, and he answered as soon as he saw the number.

"Hello? Oh my God... I'll be right there!"

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