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"Well... I found someone I really care about. I've cared about them for a long time, and all I've ever wanted was for them to like me back. But, they never did. Now, I have this fake personality for shows, and hes fallen in love with the fake me. What if... what if he doesnt like the real me mama?"

"Oh lance you silly boy. He probably likes this you because he likes the real you, but was too shy to say anything."


She nodded in response, smiling to herself. "Please dont push them away, just tell them the truth, and whether they stay or not will be their decision. If they leave you'll know it wasnt meant to be."

"And if they stay?"

She winked playfully, "Hehe, well then hes a keeper."


A couple days pass, and hes had one performance in the meantime. He avoided keith, even though he was most definatley there.

As lance made some coffee in the breakroom, he overheard some gossip.

"Did you know that adam the CEO had a kid?"

"What?! I thought he had a gay partner?"

"It gets even worse. His partner works at a strip club! Their kid isnt really theirs, they just adopted him because he lost his parents."

"Lucky kid. I want some rich people to come scoop me up"

Lance thought to himself, "are they talking about shiro?"

"Yeah me too! That kid should be over 21 now, but hes definatley a loser. People say hes deaf in one ear."

He basically spit out his coffee, making the co workers turn.

He grinned as if it was an accident, and quickly continued.

"So... why would they adopt such a freak show of a kid?"

"I dunno."

He quickly got out of the room, "no way I didnt realize keith had connections like that! If I tell him... he could get me fired! If I get fired than I cant pay for her hospital bills...  agh! Why does life keep throwing these things at me!"

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