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After a few hours of waiting, lance cried himself to sleep on Keith's shoulder.

The doctor walked in, "hello. Oh- I see I should come back later."

"No it's fine, is there a problem?"

"The patient is very critical at the moment. Shes barley hanging on, but we are doing our best."


He left, leaving a dark cloud behind.


Lance's eyes slowly opened, and he sat up confused. "I fell asleep?"

"Yeah. For a good 2 hours actually."

"Huh... sorry. Have you really been sitting here with me for two hours?"

"Um yes? Should I have not done that?"

"No! Im... I'm really glad you are still here."

Keith softly lifted Lance's chin, and gave him a kiss.

His cheeks turned red, as if hes never kissed him before.

Just then, the romantic atmosphere took a turn.



He was suddenly out of breath, "I... I feel weird..."

He watched as Lance put his hand on his head, and passed out in his lap.

"Lance?! Lance wake up! No.no.no. not yet dammit!!"

He picked lance up bridal style, and softly put him onto the hospital bed.

He ran out of the room, "I need a doctor!"

Someone came running, "what's wrong?!"

"My-my boyfriend just passed out. It could be really bad. I-i can explain more later."

"Got it."


He sat outside the hospital, taking out his phone,

Ring ring ring...


"Keith?! Holy crap where have you been?! You disappeared at dinner we wer-"

His voice cracked, "not now! Lance just passed out, I dont know what to do. I need you to book us a flight to that doctor asap."

"O-okay. I'm on it."

Keith hung up the phone, running his hand through his hair as he slumped down against the wall.

"Its almost morning, the suns coming up. You better not go anywhere you idiot... what I would give to see you smile right now."

Dirty Mugs-klanceWhere stories live. Discover now