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"Hey hunk! We need 10 orders of hot wings for table 14! Its a bachelor party so make them extra spicy!"


After giving hunk the order, lance giddily walked back to his bar knowing who hed find there.

He slipped behind the counter and pulled out their usual, "hi keith!"


"Bad day? Looks like you got into another fight."

Keith looked up, and lance winced at a cut on his lip. Lance knows keith has never lost a fight, but he still worries.

"Yeah. Some loser slapped me upside the head because I didnt hear him the first time."

"Did you fight back."

"No... he just cut my lip and left."

"Keith..." lance slowly passed him a beer.

"Its alright. I'm used to it, that's just the way people are. Especially when your known as the retard."

"Dont call yourself that, your not. Really."

Keith just looked down at the counter, and lance knew that was the end of their conversation.

Another customer walked in, so lance just decided to help them.

"Hello! Welcome to paladins, can I get you something to drink?"

"Yeah. I'd like whatever beer you got. S' long as it's cold."

"Coming right up!"

He turned, grabbed a freshly cleaned mug, and filled it to the brim.

Lance smacked it in front of the man with a smile, "here you are!"

Before lance could let go, the man grabbed Lance's hand, pulling him closer.

That's when lance smelt his breath, this guy was blackout drunk, meaning he was in trouble.

"Sir what are you-"

"You know, I bet you've heard this alot, but you belong up on that stage... with a body like that..."

"Sir please let go." Lance tried to get away, but the guy only pulled him closer, putting his other hand on Lance's hip

He smirked, licking his lips, "I'd like to reserve a dance. With you"

"I dont...do...dances-let-agh-go" lance squirmed, but the man was way stronger than him.

The guys hand moved up Lance's body, and landed under his chin, holding it tight

Lance closed his eyes in pain, and soon after, was released.

When he reopened his eyes, the man wasnt in front of him. Keith was.

"Keith?" He didnt hear him.

The man was knocked out cold on the ground, and keith was standing there, scowling in his direction.

"Dirty bastard." He mumbled, and looked up at lance, who's mouth was gaping.


Dirty Mugs-klanceWhere stories live. Discover now