Personal Journal - The Researcher - Entry 1

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Video Journal – The Researcher – Entry 1

The camera focuses on a man sitting at a desk. The room is smaller than a bedroom, containing little more than the desk, filing cabinet and at least one bookshelf. It is a gloomy dark with dust swirling in the artificial light. The desk is messy, covered in paper, text books, magazines, and coffee cups. The man is sitting on a swivel chair that is turned to point him at the camera, one arm resting on the paperwork on the desk, the other in his lap.

He is wearing khaki trousers, and old navy jumper with brown patches at the elbow and a 'V' neckline showing the collar of a red tartan button up shirt. There is a mark on the knitted jumper, the wool is pilling, and there is a caught thread near his shoulder pulled to form a loop tightening the row of stitches either side of it.

The man is in his early twenties. His large glasses dominate his face and the metal frames are not designer, instead they resemble the budget options. He pushes them up his nose. He is not unattractive. His hair is a dark brown, wavy and his fringe is long, falling onto his glasses. The style is either due for a trim, unfashionably mid-length, or he's trying to grow it out, as it's shaggy and lacking product or proper grooming. He is clean shaven, and his face is shiny to the camera but it's a perspiration gleam rather than an indication of oily skin. His features are well proportions and his teeth and nose are straight.

"Welcome," he adjusts his glasses again, "Now I'm talking to myself, literally. This is my journal to document my thoughts and reactions throughout the data collection period. The purpose of this is to record my observations of Subject-3's progression, my own reactions, and how her development changes our interactions and affects me."

"The thesis came about due to my theory that sexual awakening has changed," he looks down at the papers on the desk, "The modern woman is more in touch with her needs, expects more from her partner and is more inclined to experiment. I am surmising that this is due to desensitizing through movies, television, books, internet and all forms of communication. Women are being exposed to nudity, sexual imagery and seeing casual intercourse glamourized and this has made them believe that they are entitled to good sex and multiple orgasms."

"This study does not examine whether this belief is unrealistic or unfounded, merely that it is there," he shifted some papers then looked back to the camera, "My objective is to take an innocent girl who has no experience, no confidence and minimal sexual drive and expose her intercourse in the modern sense of the act. I will gauge her reactions as she loses her innocence and assess her appetite and the shifting dynamics between us as lovers."

"I hypothesis that she will develop from a shy naïve girl into a sexually charged woman who seeks to dominate intercourse as she actively uses the male body to satisfy her own needs with her lover's pleasure coming secondary to her own."

"I have chosen this testing method because only a true virgin has no preconceived ideas around men and the sexual act," he frowns, "An already sexually active woman is not objective in her views. She has been tainted by her prior experiences. I will, of course, be interviewing and surveying a large cross-section of women to collect that data, but this test offers me the most objective results."

"The interview process was never going to be easy," he grimaces a small smile, "Finding an innocent girl who was over the legal age of eighteen was not a simple chore. I've found that most girls lose their virginity between the ages of sixteen to eighteen. And those who are still intact are either saving themselves for marriage, have strong beliefs and assumptions about what sex means to them, have already experimented with oral sex or masturbation, or are either fixated on a dream celebrity, crush guy, or are convinced that they have a soul-mate somewhere out there. These women weren't suitable."

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