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they already arrived, for some reasons, bambam fell asleep as they listen to yugyeom's playlist, plus the hums of yugyeom.

he didn't bother bambam from his deep sleep, placing a pillow behind bambam's head as a support. and yes, he keeps a pillow inside his car cause he's soft.

he gently closed the front door of his car avoiding to wake bambam up. he then confidently ordered a lot, he purchased everything.

after ordering he quickly went into his car and drove somewhere important.


"honey, wake up. it's lunch time." yugyeom shook bambam's shoulders attempting to wake him up. he surely did not succeed on his first try.

he adjusted, now he's in front of bambam's lips. attemp two, he again shook him. by this time he finally succeeded.

"im hungry." bambam weakly said.

"gladly. let's go out."

bambam didn't wanna talk, he wanted to eat. he just got out of the car, he quickly cleared his blurry vision, just to see a forest-like place he has never seen in his whole life.

"where is this? how come you know this place?" bambam asked, sitting above the front of the car. he looked at what yugyeom bought, it's his favorite.

"you know, it's really nice here. where at the back of an old church, i feel free whenever i'm here but i often feel like something or someone very essential is missing."

"why's that?" the thai male exclaimed shoving a kimchi with rice inside his mouth.

the other's shoulders then went up.

"i don't wanna lie to you, imma be honest." yugyeom said softly, but bambam doesn't have to lean to understand what he said.

"go on."

"ever since i met you, i just barely come here. you know why?" bambam hummed.

"it's like you completed what's missing before." yugyeom added. "and look, you don't seem like you even like me back."

yugyeom's heart aches as he say the words he dropped few seconds ago. he's a man, he could control his tears from falling.

as bambam stayed mute, his heart is unbelievably beating so fast, he has never left his feeling before.

he felt guilty for acting like he doesn't like yugyeom back, he keeps telling himself that's it's normal and he doesn't sincerely like yugyeom.

he suddenly asked himself why is he lying to himself. he blinked his eyes repeatedly, it's getting heavier.

they both lay their backs, slowly. bambam just ignored the fact on how yugyeom knew he loves korean foods.

they lay down, eyes closed, feeling the sun kiss their faces. bambam streched his hands, his left hand landed near yugyeom.

yugyeom held bambam's hand, they both felt sleepy on the other hand, bambam felt weird, with the last two times yugyeom held his hand he felt disgusted, but now, he did not seperate their hands. it's not like it was before.

for few minutes they stayed on that position, silence, only the chirping birds and the blowing wind can be heard.

seems like bambam is again having a deep sleep, he's hot again. yugyeom can't help it, he's starring right at bambam's lips.

he gently kissed his forehead.

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