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it's half an hour before 2 in the afternoon. sure he took a nap real well. bambam woke up beside a sleeping yugyeom, he's so beautiful. it's quiet.

bambam seated not making a loud noise, he positioned himself facing the man sleeping beside him.

"you know what yugyeom, you're beautiful, kind, caring and everything. i just can't tell you straightly that i'm slowly f-falling for you. I'm weak, i know. tons of people out there, why you? i just met you." bambam said with a very soft voice. he's nearly whispering, playing with yugyeom's hair.

yugyeom is breathing the same, still completely sleeping, nothing more to expect that he heard what bambam just said.

he seated properly, his feet hanging. thinking a lot, why did he say that? he's still confused. he's not sure.

he remained seated for another 20 minutes. he felt the peacefulness at that place.

all the worries are gone for a moment. he's focused on one thing, his thing for yugyeom. it's confusing the hell out of him.

'why am i being like this?' he asked himself speaking inside his mind. just right after he said that, yugyeom woke up.

"oh," he stretched his arms as he stand up. "are you feeling better now?" yugyeom asked cleaning the mess they made on his car.

"i guess," he chuckled softly. "let's go buy for the caramel now. i bet we lost tons of customers already." he added as he get out from where he was seating a while ago.

"forget about that. let's return to the cafe."

bambam thought yugyeom already bought the ingredients.


"did you rest well?" bambam asked first for the very first time caring for yugyeom.

"i did, actually, did you?" yugyeom looked at the guy beside him as he make that lovely smile of his.

bambam sighed, he smiled, doesn't know but he's feeling weird and better at the same time. he poured out he's feeling for a sleeping yugyeom. "so did i."

they continued chatting as the time goes, as yugyeom drive. they were talking and giggling the whole time until bambam asked one question.

"what do you find attractive in a guy?"

yugyeom went from box smile to a simple smile real quick. "you mean my ideal type?" bambam hummed as a reply.

"someone simple, loud, perhaps trustworthy, i can spent the day with peacefully, and let me be who i am. as simple as that." yugyeom chuckled softly when he finished his sentence.

bambam thought yugyeom would describe him, but he's not sure if he is. or maybe it's just because they just knew each other.

he was silent for a moment thinking about that. and he suddenly realized their cafe is much far away than he thought it is from the back of a random old church.

"is the cafe really that far away?"

"no, the shortest way is closed and we have to go around to get there." the younger lied, he just want to be with bambam for a bit, he'll be missing him in 5 seconds they're seperated.

after his response no one ever dared to talk, it was full silence, bambam checked the time and it's surprisingly already 25 minutes pass 4 in the afternoon.

he asked yugyeom if he could just lift him to his home, so he did, he wanted to rest, i mean, the both of them.

and they still gotta talk about what to do about yugyeom meeting bambam's father as his boyfriend.

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