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yien shocked them to reality for the reason that they has arrived on their destination. half an hour until 1 am.

they woke themselves up simply being greeted by an average house i supposed, very dark, very quiet.

soon sneaked inside the house by the unlocked window from the back of the house, assuming the people inside it are on their dreams.

jiaer checked where the account is signed in. it's an unbranded phone, he guesses, since there is no informations written on his device about the phone.

he then proceeds to scan cameras and recorders. unexpectedly, the house is surrounded by tons of mics and few cameras are online.

"recorders and cameras located, stay silent, stay on the dark." whispering as low as he could to warn the others.

jiaer crouched down on the sides of the room to get near the exact coordinates of the phone. he did and no devises are seen on that area.

"clear area, nothing's h-"

they were all pulled on one spot and they had no idea how did that happen. no control, their feet and hands are chained tightly causing them to drop their gadgets.

from darkness, the light came and a lady entered their sights. good-looking woman with glasses.

"the famous dancers, what's the catch?" she asked taking a look at kunpimook, then to pepi, after that to kim.

"we need help." jaebeom exclaimed feeling the chain tighten even more when he attempted to let his feet off.

"dummy." she clapped and the chains released them freely. signing them to stand up. "follow me." she then ordered.

the rest did as she say, assisting them to a bedroom with nothing really special about it.

"i knew you'll need me." she cooed, the bed then surprisingly soaked making a stairway down to somewhere.

she went straight down and without hesitation they followed. on the dark room with one snap of hers all the lights were turned on.

"who are you?" youngjae turned around checking everything and taking mental pictures.

"i know who you are." she walked to get a small laser and setting it up. "those aren't our rea-" jiaer was once again interrupted by her.

"jiaer kayee wang, pepi park, youngjae choi, jaebeom lim, yien tuan, kim yusef, kunpimook vihokratana" everyone else inside the room was silent.

"how did you get our names?" yien questioned touching the light sources attached on tables connected.

"i saw you tracking my phone, duh." she pushed yien a little turning the programs on, holograms are then can be seen around.

"i am baby, baby bhuwakul. kunpimook bhuwakul's younger sister." she introduced herself gesturing the a.i to show the basic informations about her.

"you're 35!?" youngjae innocently asked. "i was 20 when the masked killers attacked us." she sighed.

baby the walked her way to face kunpimook, "you look exactly like my brother." she embraced kunpimook and tried her best to stop the tears from falling.

"how'd you survive?" kunpimook wiped off her tears crawling down her cheeks.

"i pretended to be dead, i survived because they were rushing to kill my brother and his bestfriend jinyoung." she swiped and clicked things on the hologram to open a file.

pepi seated on the nearest chair rubbing the sides of his wound to lessen the pain. jiaer noticed him then immediately went near him.

"i healed myself and i can do the same to every single one of you, especially you." she pointed at pepi and the chair extended into a bed moving him to a lot of lasers.

"dummy, may you?" she simply asked and the lasers lighted pepi's wound now healing him.

yien walked to a set of another tables with holograms above it, "holograms, an a.i, everything i ever wanter all in one lab." he tried to click something.

he just felt grounded after touching it, "don't touch that, it's my dad's." baby walked to where pepi is and sitting on one of the seven chairs around it.

she threw the file making a huge hologram of documents, then scanning kim and kunpimook.

they are all seated except for pepi who is layed down, on their seat they are being healed by lasers.

"obviously, you two are reincarnated." she concluded swiping to other pages. "how about pepi? everything about him is just like jinyoung's." jiaer asked.

"that is what i don't know." she resumes to find documents.

yien coughed before saying, "if he is then he must be in love with kunpimook and kunpimook must be in love with him."

baby hummed, "exactly." she found the documents and started discussing what she knows about the murderers.

"the killers are intelligent, clever enough to secure their system, even i can't hack it. they are inaccessible. i'm not educated enough to do so." she appeared some evidences.

"five siblings with fame seem to begin the idea of attacking us. hint i found; they're former friends of my father." she included.

"you're lucky you have jiaer and yien i can say they're better at coding at the age of 18." baby swiped once again.

"you have to keep yourselves hidden, don't let them know who you are. they are coming for all of you, you have no idea how disgusting, abrasive they are."

posted photos and clips of the unaware killers are shown on the hologram. most of them are males, but there are still females. with the quality of the photos baby couldn't verify any side faces.

"i know they are with the government, they're a team. i can feel it inside my bones, my soul, and my flesh." she swore everything she said.

she stood up locking the document with her one hand then waving the other expanding the hologram extremely long.

"this is the government." the hologram was half filled with old man and woman looking very suspicious.

"and this is s.h.i.e.l.d. strategic homeland intervention enforcement and logistic division."

this team shown on the hologram is way more bigger than the government. "the sun is coming out." baby turned the healer off to release pepi.

he thanked baby and she nodded and smiled. "you have to go to your next destination."

"why, can't we stay here?" kim asked. baby simply shooked her head.

"if they located you, they'll locate me. and then we're trapped." baby assisted them to do out giving them better disguises, better devices and new ids.

"remember, stay away from everyone and stay hidden." baby warned them the last time and bid them a goodbye.

they got inside the van and jiaer began to scan the new ids as yien start to drive.

"user_peps as doctor vincent strange, access granted."

"user_mook as django maximoff, scanned."

"user_kim as scott lang, scanned."

"user_lim as agent james rupert rhodes, approved."

"user_jae as agent buchanan barnes, access granted."

"user_yien as captain janson quill, approved."

"user_kayee as harley keener, scanned."

"seven (7) users signed, sir." the speaker of the device dedicated as it change the names on it.

"she's pretty good at names huh." jiaer giggled, which made the rest smile.

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