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annoying customer

hey, im sorry about a while ago.

did you feel uncomfortable?

im truly sorry hun.

nah nah nah

it's okay

don't. call. me. hun. mr.

but you haven't told me

your real name, ill be bragging

about that, just wait

u're- dude.

freakin call me bambam

just like that!

don't play hard to get

with me.

wait- is that ur real name?

my nickname hehe

holy mother mary

how in the hell did u

switch from 'freakin' to

'hehe' u r confusing.


seen. alright. how about this.

answer every question

if not, I'll tell everybody im

in a relationship with u

wait what thats not fair bruh.

u play ur own game.

oh so ill inform everyone

that we're together.

don't u dare do that.

my parents are still alive.

then answer correctly,



did kermit commit suicide?

i don't freakin know.

ask him tf

how old is maggie?

one until now and forever

when are you gonna

sue marvel?

after this

what's your fav color?

what the hell


how old are you?

this is getting personal bruh

sent a photo.

bitch plz

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bitch plz

i didn't even sign for this tf

im sendin' it.

22 alright? can we now pls end this.

not yet, one more question.

how can i own your heart?


we'll see.



fuckface is calling

answer | decline

'why aren't you at work huh?'

'i don't feel good bruh'

'oh hell im coming over'

'what- sweet but ew'

'the fuck, i'll come to eat

what you're not in a mood to eat'

'whatever. tons of friends are asking why i'm not at the cafe im annoyed'

'im one of those, that's why you're annoyed.'

'right. boi the yugyeom guy is

hitting on me.'

'i ship.'

'bitch please.'

'you're begging me to ship yugbam!?'

'no! what the- im begging you to shut the fuck up.'

'okay, i'll ship the both of you then.'

'ship if ya want i don't care.'

'oh yeah? sure. i gotta go. now shithead. bye bitch.'


call ended

"what the fuck is he tryna do" bambam whispered to himself making a confusing face.

he spend the rest of his time playing minecraft and watching cat videos on youtube until ms. bhuwakul knocked.

"come on, prepare yourself and go down stairs. your boyfriend is waiting for you." that was all his mom said then after that she shut the door and went down.

bambam looked outside to see if there's a car, he was assuming it will just be jinyoung but that's not how jinyoung's car looks like.

so he quickly washed his face. his heart was beating so fast, he hasn't even allowed anyone to be his boyfriend.

he then rushed down stairs.

kunpimook rolled his eyes as soon as he saw who his 'borfriend' was. he walked with sass and sat two chairs away from his 'boyfriend'.

without a single word, he dialed park's number.



end call


'what the hell did you do!?'

'you said you won't care if i ship you two'

'yeah but how did you get his num-'

call ended

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