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"let them do what they wanna do," the man with an axe chucked pulling a little peice of gadget out of his pocket. "i attached a tiny tracker on kunpimook's expensive right shoe." the shaked the gadget.

he could feel the rest smiling under the mask they're wearing.


bambam and jinyoung both knew they got away from the masked group of people after a couple of minutes running.

jinyoung sat down catching his breath, struggling. he can barely sense what the hell is happening.

bambam looked around for a second, the place seemed familiar to him, he made a deep effort to recall where that place is.

after what is all happening the past few hours, he still managed to remember.

"we're going somewhere i don't think they know where is." bambam whispered to jinyoung helping him to stand up.

the place is somehow still a bit far away, to get there faster, they'll have to take another place with lot of trees in it.

walking for about half an hour, they're atleast half way to the certain place.

they saw few huge rocks, they decided to rest for a good 5 minutes. they both sat down.

bambam noticed jinyoung is getting really really tired. he stood up on another two rocks sticked together to get a greater view of the way.

he climbed up but he felt like his foot is stuck, so he just tip-toed to be taller.

after he did his left foot got down, now his feet are on the same level, and yes, his right foot hurts.


jinyoung after hearing bambam call his name, did not care about the pain he was feeling, he walked to bambam just to see his right foot couldn't get out, stuck between the two huge rocks.

he then tried to pull it out but everytime he does, he just hear bambam cry. plus it's getting tighter everytime.

"just take off the shoe." bambam said nothing just did his best to do jinyoung's idea.

bambam almost screamed loud because of the pain, but he managed not to.

his foot got pinkish color because of the tightness, seeing bambam in pain made jinyoung mad at himself. asking himself why didn't he take good care of him.

after letting bambam rest for a little bit they rushed to the place they're going for.

"why are we here?" jinyoung asked but bambam ignored him, he stepped directly into the house. before going inside, he noticed this place is quiet, seems like no one ever lives here.

seeing nothing strange at all they check every area around the house as they collect the gadgets they see.

bambam's room, the last room they haven't checked, they entered and nothing's wrong inside it.

they didn't left any gadgets powered on, for their own safety.

"this is beer's home, pretty quiet. only less than 10 people know about this" bambam sighed sitting on his bed. "i thought they'd be here." he cried.

"y-you're right, they're following us." bambam added.

jinyoung hushed him, comforting him. he wanted to cry so bad seeing the boy in front of him burst in tears.

"what are we gonna do!?" the younger asked freaking out. jinyoung hugged him, he couldn't take this anymore, he ended up crying.

"everything's gonna be okay, bammie, shh."

"b-but my siblings? dad and... mom?" he cried even harder remembering his mom.

"i miss all of them, i-i hope they're alright." bambam took a deep breath, wrapping his arms around jinyoung's neck.

"bambamie, everything will be alright. i hope it will." jinyoung suddenly lend to kiss the other's cheek.

"just stay with me, i wanna be with you for the last second of my life."

"jinyoung. we're not gonna die, okay?" bambam stated, leaning on the end of the bed. so did jinyoung. "i miss this, bed."

"beer's home? y'all still have your own rooms. rich as fuck." they both giggled.

"i can't believe i confessed to you." his sentence was followed by a laugh. "what have i done."

"oh jinyoung, you just did what is needed to be done a hundred years ago."

"i don't know, i-i just... argh, i was just nervous, alright? i couldn't tell you the truth back then."

"park jinyoung, i've loved you since forever."

bambam's lump lips are getting closer to jinyoung's, he planted a kiss on his lips, well of course jinyoung kissed back.

bambam was planing to do it again. he now attached a hand on jinyoung's jaw, when he was repeating the action, jinyoung looked away.

the younger's emotion faded. he is now feeling embarassed, he felt his cheek burn as he remove his hand on jinyoung's jaw.

"i respect your family, yugyeom, and especially you. i'm so-"

"this has nothing to do with yugyeom, jinyoung."

"no, but we're not together."

"and so yugyeom and i!"

"im sorry, bammie."

jinyoung apologized sitting properly. he could hear bambam sighing from his back.

jinyoung couldn't deny it, he already was hard by just that one peck on the lips, he couldn't touch bambam and he definitely wouldn't.

something inside his body felt weird. he wanted to go to the restroom to think of things, but he can't, mr. bhuwakul assigned him as bambam's protector since they met each other.

it was mute for a good 10-20 seconds, bambam realized that he shouldn't have just said that to jinyoung, he was just overreacting.

"o-okay im sorry, jinyoungie." he adjusted near to jinyoung, as the older respond, "it's fine."

several hours past, the two fell asleep. they had no choice, they're tired, scared, and confused.

jinyoung woke up before bambam did, it felt like forever.

"i've always hoped that you noticed, but you didn't. you're so numb." jinyoung sighed looking outside, it's probably 9 in the evening.

"please don't wake up yet, so i could talk to you without getting nervous." he ran his hand on bambam's hair.

"how can be someone so beautiful? i look like someone you don't deserve, you deserve someone better. someone like yugyeom. it hurts so much whenever i see the two of you. i get jealous a lot of times, but i have to pretend like i don't. i've always thought that you see me only as your brother, it hurts like hell."

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