XXXIX: Zach DeWall

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I sat on my bed and grabbed the book I was reading off my bedside table. I started to read it when Zach came into my room. "Hey Zach, what can I do for you?" I asked him as I set my book down again. Zach crawled into my bed and laid on top of me. "Hey" he whispered. I was going to reply with a shorty remark but his blue eyes caught me off guard. I missed staring into his eyes almost every night. I stared into his eyes and tried to resist kissing him but eventually gave in. We kissed lightly at first. But then he grabbed my face and deepened the kiss. We kissed passionately for a few minutes then I pulled away. He looked up at me "What?" he asked softly "Zach, it's not right. I mean, we broke up for a reason, didn't we?" I couldn't stop staring into his deep blue eyes. "Yeah. But, maybe we could try again, right?" His grip on my waist got tighter as he hugged me. "I don't know, Zach." "Y/N/N... come on." He started to sit up and kept looking me in the eye. Zach leaned into me and kissed me again. This time more passionately than the last. Only this time, I didn' t pull away. "Zach..." "Y/N...." Zach pulled me onto his lap and I ran my hands through his hair. We started full on making out and Zach slowly slid his hands up my shirt. I pulled away. "Zach... No." I whispered. "Why not?" he asked quietly. "I... I just ca-" I was interrupted by his lips smashing into mine. I gave in eventually and we made love that morning before the sun came up.


I woke up with Zach's arms wrapped around me. I slowly lifted his arm off of me, turned toward him and kissed him. His eyes fluttered open. "Good morning, beautiful." he said with the sexiest 'morning voice'. "Zach, it's three in the afternoon." I giggled. "What?" I burst out laughing at him. "Yeah, baby." my smile dropped as I realized what I had just called him. Baby .. "What did you just call me?" he looked just as confused as I did. "I... I didn't me-" I sighed "Force of habit. I'm sorry" I said. He grabbed my waist and kissed me hard. When he pulled away, he looked me in the eyes. "Don't be." He smiled at me. I climbed on top of him and started kissing him. It felt just like old times. I smiled into the last kiss and started to get up. "Let's get dressed. Everyone is probably up now." We got up and got dressed. He grabbed my hand as we went to leave to room. I opened the door and was greeted by Cody, Shay and Dan all smiling at Zach and me. Maxx looked a little hurt but I shoved it off my shoulder. I awkwardly pushed passed them, Zach in tow and went to the kitchen to get coffee.

I should probably clarify that Zach and I dated back when the band first started out but broke it off because I wasn't ready for marriage yet. He still hasn't gotten over me but the truth is, I haven't gotten over him.

Shay's POV

I woke up around 1:30 that afternoon wrapped up in Cody's arms. I started to get out of bed when Cody grabbed my hip. "Where you going?" he said with a tired smile. "To go pee, handsome" I smiled back. He let go of me and I put on underwear and his t-shirt from the night before. I walked past Y/N's room and heard snoring that wasn't hers. I opened the door quietly and saw a tangle of Zach and Y/N and couldn't help but smile. I closed the door and went to the bathroom. When I got back to my room, Cody looked at me with a tired smile and reached his arms out for me to come to cuddle him. "I think Zach and Y/N are back together," I said quietly. "How do you know?" he asked now wide-eyed. "When I went pee, I walked past Y/N's bedroom and heard snoring that sounded like a guy. So, I opened the door a little and saw Y/N wrapped in Zach..... naked" I replied "Gaahhh... Yeah. Okay, I get it. I don't need to know about my sister's sex life." He started to laugh a little bit at his own response. He picked me up and dropped me on the bed, got on top of me and started kissing me. I giggled and pushed him off me. "Let's get dress, baby," I said with a smile. "Baby, huh?" I saw him smile through my mirror. "I like it." I walked out of my room, Cody in hand, and Maxx and Dan were at the top of the stairs. Dan ran up to me excited. "Dude, Zach and Y/N are-" "sleeping together again? Yeah, I know." I said with a smile. I looked toward Maxx. He seemed upset. "You okay, Damnziger?" I asked "Yeah. I'm okay." he said. "Okay." I heard Zach's voice come from Y/N's room and we all gathered around her bedroom door. She opened her door and we were all staring at her and Zach smiling. She just pushed past us, clutching Zach's hand.

I went down to the kitchen where they were sitting at the table. "So. Uh. what's happening with you two?" I asked with a bouncy tone of voice. "Nothing's going on," Y/Nsaid blankly. Zach shot her a confused look. "Nothing? I don't think last night was 'nothing', Y/N." he said. "ZACHARY!" Y/N yelled. "You don't have to hide it, Y/N. I saw you two this morning. Layng all naked-like in bed together," I laughed. She just stared at me. "Welp. Bye, you two." I walked away with a smile on my face.

"Are you proud of yourself?" Cody said with a smile, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Very," I laughed.


"What the hell, Zach?" I said "What?" he said. "This morning was amazing, Y/N/N. You can't deny that. You can't. You know just as well as I do that we have something. Please just give us another chance." He pleaded. I sighed and started to choke on my words. "This morning was great, Zach. Yes. But it can't happen again. We just don't work. Yes. There was something there. But you know just as well as I do, that we lost that something a long time ago. We don't work anymore." I started to cry. "I'm sorry, Zach." I kissed his cheek and went to my room to get dressed. "Y/N... please..." I heard him start crying as I walked away. I went upstairs to my room and locked myself in. I walked over and collapsed on my bed and started crying. I heard a knock on my door and Shay walked in. "Hey, cutie. I heard what happened downstairs. Are you okay?" She asked quietly. "I don't like hurting him. But I just don't want to end up travelling down the same path with him again." I said now crying on Shay's shoulder. "Awe... Hunny, I know." She said. "Trust me. He'll get over it. Until then, why don't we go out for some well needed 'girl-time'?" she smiled. "As long as we can go to the Chinese buffet," I said. "Deal," we laughed and she went and got dressed.

Shay's POV
Y/N and I went out for Chinese after her fight with Zach. I knew she didn't want to talk about it so I didn't ask. "I'm sorry." She said in between heaping mouthfuls of rice. "For what?" I asked. "Always being the one to hurt Zach. I do still love him but I can't stand the thought of hurting him again..." she stopped eating and buried her face in her hands. "I just don't know what to do, Shay." I just stared at her with a concerned look. "What do I do, Shay?" she asked. "Well," I began "Which feeling is stronger? Love or hurt?" I asked. She sighed and looked me in the eyes. "Love, Shay. I'm still in love with him." A tear fell down her cheek. "Well then, tell him that," I said. "Because you really don't know what's going to happen until you try. I'm not trying to be all like, 'Oh. You need to date Zach because he's my best friend. I'm saying you two belong together at this point. And if I'm wrong in the long run, then so be it. But, right now, you need each other." We finished our food and went home to find Zach on the couch sleeping. Y/N walked up to him and sat down on the edge of the couch. "Zach?" she whispered and rubbed his arm to wake him up. "Zach, wake up." I saw Zach's eyes open a little bit "Y/N?" he asked. He'd obviously been crying. "Y/N? What's going on?" He sat up and looked at me with a confused look and I shrugged. "I'm sorry," she said. "I do still love you. I was just afraid of ending up going down the same route with you like last time." Without hesitation, Zach pulled her in for a kiss and she didn't stop him.


Zach kissed me again and at that moment, I knew I was ready to give us another try. I pulled away from him and give him a hug. "I love you, Zach and I'll try to never hurt you again" I mumbled into his neck. "I love you too, Y/N. And I promise. Nothing until you're ready." I smiled and we sat there for a while in our embrace. This is something we used to do a lot. Just hold each other in our embrace for no reason. It always made me feel safe... not that I didn't feel safe anyways. He is a Sasquatch. When we pulled apart I noticed Maxx looking really sad. "Hey, Maxxie? You okay?" I asked the blonde drummer boy. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired that's all" he replied walking into the kitchen. When Maxx walked away, I looked back at Zach and smiled. He kissed me softly but it seemed to last forever.


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