XXVII. Maddie x Patrick Stump

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Maddie's P.O.V.

"Alex, I don't care how "hot" your dates best friend is, I am not going on a double date," I told her while walking into our college. "Maddie, I think you are really going to like him. He is sweet and caring and all the other qualities you like in a guy. Please go on the double date" she pleaded. I looked at her, I sighed and gave in. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU" she yelled as we walked into our Molding and Casting for the Special Effects Artist class. "You owe me one, Morris," I told her. "I know, Mendes" she laughed as we took our seats at the back of the room.

~Time Skip~

Patrick's P.O.V.

"Pete, I don't care how much Alex means to you, I am not going on that double date," I said tuning my guitar. Pete looked at me. "Please Patty-cakes, she is everything you look for in a girl," Pete took my shoulders "She is caring, she is a music lover, she is an animal lover and a bonus she is really pretty," I thought about what he said, I guess she was my type. Maybe I can get over Elisa. "Plus, she might help you get over your break up with Elisa" I looked at him, "I guess you're right, maybe I will go on this date" "Wait? Really!" I nodded my head. "YES!" he jumped up out of his seat and started dancing around the studio. "Okay Peter, calm down," I laughed "Let's get back to writing for Save Rock and Roll" He sat back down and continued writing songs.

Maddie's P.O.V.

After Alex and I got home from school, we put our keys in the bowl by the door, and through our backpacks on the white leather chair. "So, tell me more about Patrick and Pete," I asked Alex as I sit on our black leather couch. "Well, they are in a band called Fall Out Boy with two of their other friends Joesph Trohman and Andy Hurley. They are currently writing a new album because they went on a hiatus" she said while grabbing a bag of Sour Cream and Onion flavour chips. "Oh, okay.... tell me what everyone does in the band?" I asked her "well," she sat next to me "Andy plays the drums, Joey plays the guitar, Petey-pie plays bass and Patrick is the lead singer plus he plays guitar" I bite my lip, damn Patrick is the lead singer of the band. Alex knows I have a thing for lead singers. " Plus I knew you have a thing for lead singers. It's your favourite thing about a guy besides his personality and eyes" she laughs "Shut up" I throw a pillow at her, she then catches it and cuddles it while pulling out her phone to search something up. "Here," she hands me her phone "This is Patrick Stump" (Picture)

"HOLY FUCK, THIS DUDE IS HOT" I yelled in my head, on the outside my eyes pop out "DAMN" was all I said

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"HOLY FUCK, THIS DUDE IS HOT" I yelled in my head, on the outside my eyes pop out "DAMN" was all I said. Alex looked at me with the "I told you so" look. "See I told you so" she smiled at me "I know you would like him" "Shut Up Alex, go fuck Pete or something" She smirked " I am saving that for later" "ALEX!," I through another pillow at her "Come on, we should probably get ready." Alex nodded her head and we head upstairs to our rooms.

Patrick's P.O.V.

Pete and I were in the middle of writing Miss Missing You, when Lukas comes in carrying drumsticks in his hand "Patrick, try writing this 'Baby you were my picket fence, I miss missing you now and then' yeah?" The blonde hair boy said to the guitarist. I looked at him and with a nod of my head and wrote the lyrics down. "Those are actually good lyrics for the chorus" Pete smiled at the fact that they were actually good. I checked my watch and realized what time it was. "Pete, we have to go" I got up from my seat and threw on my leather jacket and black fedora while Pete wore his black skinny jeans, his denim looking shirt and his Chicago Blackhawks hat. We left for Pizza Hut because we aren't that fancy honey. When we got there asked for a booth for four.

Maddie's P.O.V.

Like always Alex gets the aux cord so she started playing this band I have never heard of, but they have this one good song. It was called Just One Yesterday, every time I hear it I have to jam. We pulled into the parking lot of the Pizza Slut, got out and when inside. "Alex, baby over here" a man, who I think is Pete and I assume Patrick is next to him. Alex walks over and pecks his lip, "Hey baby... Hi Tricky" Alex says sitting in front of Pete, I took the seat next to her.

~Time Skip~

It turns out Patrick and I have a lot in common. As Alex and I were walking back to her car, Pat and Pete come jogging over. Pete pulls Alex into a sweet loving kiss and as for Patrick, he hesitantly pulls me into a kiss which I gladly return. As we were sucking face, I hear a camera sound, that's when we pulled away. "Alex! You are an asshole" I yell, she smirks and gets into the car. "Hey Mads, can I see you again?" Pat asked. I nod and get into the car. Best Day Ever.


This imagine/Blub thing is for my Bestest Friend In The Entire world, Maddie (th4nksf0rth3p3t3rck). I love her to death, I hope she likes this imagine/blub thing.

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