XIV. Mystery Imagine

908 20 7

Word count:1074

"Y/N, I love you," he said "you're the best thing that has happen to me"

The day has finally come, the day he said he loves me. My dreams are coming true!

"Oh, I love you too," I replied "I've been waiting for this day my entire life for you to say that"

He leans in for a kiss as did I.

"OMG, THIS IS FINALLY HAPPENING" I shouted in my mind.


"Ugh" I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I smashed my hand on the clock, and looked around my Tumblr looking room. My walls painted a white colour, I had CD covers on my wall beside my bed. I had a dream catcher above my bed, I also have white sheets, comforters etc. "Y/N, It's time to get up for work" my mom yelled from upstairs. I got up and walked to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day and the t-shirt I need.


I walk into work with a feeling of regret. "oh boy," I thought to myself "what is gonna happen" Just then someone jumped out with a nerf gun and shot me.

"BOBBY" I yelled "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" "Sorry Y/N, I had to it was funny" he laughed as the others came out.

Kevin was filming, Matt as well. Mark,Jack, Ethan, Tyler and Connor were laughing. Joey, Gunner, Bryan, Paul and Rachel were filming on there phones for pleasure, I guess. I Don't Know okay,

"I hate you all I hope you know that" I said walking into the Team Edge space to "Die" On The Couch quotations around the word "Die". I fell onto the couch and closed my eyes, I had my eyes closed for not even five minutes when the couch drops down. "UGH, What do you want?" I asked. "Well Y/N, I wanted so see how you were after the nerf shots" someone asked, I know that voice. I sat up, "NATE" I yelled and hugged him. "I missed you so much" he said. "I missed you too" I replied with a smile on my face as we pulled away.

"Do you mind not yelling" Matt said. "Sorry Patrick" I laughed, "Oh My God, it has been so long; what are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Hi-5 Studio fam invited us over along with Dan, Phil, Mark, Tyler, Ethan, Amy, Kathryn, Amanda, and Sarah" (Bryan and Sarah are not together in this nor is Matt and Amanda. The girls are Sarah and Amanda's but with different husbands)
Nate answered , my probably annoying question. "Awe, little Luna and Lucia are here" I jumped off the couch and run out of the warehouse.


It was about half way through the party when Bobby pulled me to the side. "Y/N, do you like anyone?" "Um, Why?" I asked. What is he getting at? "Well I know someone who likes you and it's not me, I kinda like Rachel" he said rubbing the back of his neck. I just smiled at him, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. He has a crush, my best friend has a crush. "Awe" was all I said.

"SHH" he said covering my mouth. I nodded my head yes and he took his hand off. "You never answer my question, Y/N/N" he said. "Um yeah I like someone"

Smiling is always something you'll find me doing. It's my favourite thing about my face besides my eyes. So when I said that I liked someone, I couldn't help but smile. He makes me so happy, his smile, his laugh, his way with his friends. He is just so prefect. "So who is it" Bobby asked. I whispered it into his ear, he turned and looked at me wide eyed. "Tell him and I hurt you Bobby" I said and walked away.

~Time Skip~
I was cleaning up when he walked towards me but then turned to Amanda who was also cleaning. "Hey babe" he says to her. I am jealous. Why am I jealous? It's not like he likes me anyways. I sighed and continued cleaning my station that I was assigned to. Ugh.

Finally time to go home, I grabbed my stuff and headed home but not before Connor came to my black four door Chevy Truck. "Hey nice truck, where did you get it?" He asked. "I got it from my (Hometown)" I replied patting my dirty hood. Once I lifted my hand, I notice I left a nice hand print and my hand is dirty. So I just patted Connor's back and jumped into my truck and drive home to have another dream about him.

"Hey babe, how are you" he said wrapping his arms around my waist. I turned around in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck. I smiled looking into his eyes. "Well honey, I am doing phantasic now that you are here" I laughed. He laughed with me. We both leaned in for a kiss. *BEEP BEEP BEEP*

I woke up again and shut my alarm off, had a shower and basically repeated yesterday minus the party part but then that it was pretty much yesterday.

~Time skip~
I was talking with Rachel when she said that she had a huge crush on Bobby. "omg" I whisper/shouted. "What? What's wrong? Do you like him? Are you guys dating? If you are, I can try and not like him!" She asked so many questions. "Nothing, No, he likes you, no we are not, don't stop liking him" I answered all he questions in one breath. God that took alot out of me.

"He likes me!?!" She shouted. "Yes, now go talk to him" I laughed and pushed her over to him. Just then he walks into my office. "Y/N, do you have a second" he requested. "Ya sure" I replied sitting down on the black leather couch in the Team Edge Gaming room.

"Okay, so I have something to tell you" he says. I wait patiently for his response. "I love you okay, I don't know if you love me but I love you and it hurts not having you by my side."

"Awe" was all I said. I jumped in his arms and kissed him. "I love you too Gunner. With all my heart"

"I am so glad you are mine"Gunner said. "Me too, me too"

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