This child is killing me. "I'm not lying, seriously I am okay, see." I smile. "A smile."

"Daddy does the same thing when he's not feeling well." Her frown shifts to sorrow. 

This kid is a genius, what are they teaching her at home. "You'll see him in a few days, he's with mommy."

"Okay." She said, staring out the window.

I've got to get my shit together, if a three year old can tell I'm not feeling well, let alone lying then I must not be doing my job right. There's going to be a class room full of students who will ask me the same questions if I don't stop sulking about Roxanne.


"Enjoy your day guys, see you tomorrow." I said to the students as they left.

They all smiled at me and replied. "Bye Mr. Black."

When everyone left, someone came knocking on my door and it was none other than Mrs. Clark herself. She smiled gracefully at me and I happened to notice that a certain wedding band wasn't on her ring finger. Either trouble in paradise, or Mrs. Clark isn't a Misses anymore. 

"Mrs. Clark." I smiled back.

She shook her head. "Call me Lory, Mrs. Clark sounds to I don't know, formal."

"Sure, Lory." To formal my ass, she's hiding something

After Lory cleared her throat, she spoke again. "Winsor wants to see you."

"Great." I sighed.

She nodded her head. "He's in a good mood, so I don't think you're in trouble."

"I'm sure he's always in a good mood around you." I joked.

Her lips curved upwards. "Not always. Either way he's waiting to see you, so don't be late and make him in a bad mood. He's gathering the Math teachers for a meeting and I don't need him to be grumpy."

"No problem." I grinned, walking towards the door.

Before I could go through, Lory pressed her hand against my chest. "Hey, when your finished, do you want to go out for drinks?"

"Uh..." I could use a drink, but there's a certain three year old that needs to be taken care of. "I'm going to take a rain check on that one. I've got to babysit my brother's daughter."

Her eyebrows rose. "Well I like kids, maybe I could come over and cook. I'm pretty sure your not feeding the child well."

"Well I don't know if that's a good idea."

Curiosity exuded out of her eyes. "Why?"

"Wouldn't Mr. Clark get the wrong idea—?"

She sighed. "Mister Clark won't mind two co-workers hanging out."

"At my house though?"

Her eyes were persistent. "Damien it's a yes or no question."

"I have no reason to say no, but—"

She regained her smile. "Then I'll be there at five."

Without allowing me to speak again, Lory strutted away and I gained a really bad feeling. I've dealt with issues like this and from the ring-less finger she's flaunting there's no more Mister and Misses Clark. 

Damn my boyish good looks.


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