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This week, you had been training by yourself. Some times with Slender Man. Sometimes with Ticci Toby, Clockwork or Nate. Sometimes Ben, Masky or Hoodie. But not Jeff. And the reason why was because you were tired of everyone else fighting for you. You are strong, and it's time you proved it to everyone.

"Hey Y/N!". You heard Sally call one afternoon. You glanced back, smiling as you caught a glimpse of Sally's twinkling green eyes. "Morning Sally!". You laughed, hugging her as you tested your powers. Slender Men had recently given you the power to move objects with your mind. You could also fly and grow sharp claws.

Sally sat on your lap, looking at you in astonishment as you placed an apple in your hand,

"Hey Sally, watch this." You laughed, as the apple began to levatate. You rushed it towards the door, just as Nate walked in.

"Ow." Was all he said, as the apple hit him in the head. You gently took Sally off of your lap, rushing over to Nate, "I'm sorry!". You pleaded, as he smiled at you. "It's okay Y/N, I know it was an accident. Besides, who could stay mad at someone as cute as you?". He questioned, as your cheeks flared up.

"Thanks Nate, but I really should be go-." He chuckled, as he cut you off mid-sentence.

"Where are you going?". He question, sitting down as you nervously looked at Sally for support. "Umm I'm going to try to kill someone for the first time! I think I might be able to do it." You said, as Nate laughed. "Good luck." He snorted, as you crossed your arms.

"Whats so funny?". You crossed your arms, as you huffed.

"Like you would be cabable of that Y/N. Face it, you're just another regular girl who got powers. And once you leave here, nobody will even miss you." His words hit you as fast as a bullet. "T-that's not true."

"Face it! Nobody even likes you besides Sally Jane, Masky and Hoodie!".

"Not true! Laughing Jack eyeless jack, Slender Man, Ticci Toby, Splendorman.." You trailed off, as tears began to form in your eyes.

"Oh yeah! And what about Ben? He likes me!". You shouted, losing your temper. Nate laughed, seemingly amused.

"Really? Do you realize how many other girls he probably does that to? He just wants to have you for a while, then he'll forget about you. Just like Jeff, and any other boy here you thought likes you."

"Leave Bloody Rose alone." Sally said, standing up angrily. Nate giggled, standing up. He was almost two feet taller than her.

"Make me." Nate growled.

And that was enough. Sally tackled Nate, as she wrestled him to the ground. But Nate grabbed her pigtails and began tugging at them.

'You're useless! You're just another girl..'

Those words replayed in your head over and over like a song lyric. You clenched your fists, watchinf the fight. "I'll show you..I'll show everybody." You said to yourself. You tightly closed your eyes, and with all your strength, you used your powers to try and lift the coffee table up. "Please..". You whispered to yourself, opening your eyes. The table slowly uplifted, as you felt like your heart had just been healed a million times better. For once in your life, you were in control. You aimed it at Nate. As the table flew through the air, you watched with eager eyes. Then it happened.

The table hit Nate in the back, causing him to scream as Sally rushed over to you, hiding behind you,

"Y-you bitch! Y/N! I'll get you back some day!". He angrily said, as he writhed on the floor in pain.

"What is going on in here?!". Slender Man said, as he teleported in front of you.

"S-S-s-." Your words all jumbled up in your throat as Nate took advantage of that situation. He slowly stood up, "Y/N just attacked me because I called her pretty! She's crazy." Nate lied. Your jaw dropped open, as Sally stepped in immediately, "Not true! He attacked her, and then-". Nate cut her off,

"She's lying! Please, believe me!". Nate pleaded, folding his hands together.

Slender Man glanced at you, turning around, "Y/N you are grounded." He said sternly,

"But, that's not fair! I-". You started to say

"I've had a rough day today Y/N, please. And instead of using your powers for evil, try using them for good once and a while! Now go to your room! You too Sally! Lying to me? I wasn't born yesterday." Slender Man yelled, losing his temper. You flinched, as Sally began to cry. You carefully picked her up, as Nate smirked at you and stuck his tongue out at you.

You carried Sally upstairs, as you set her down. You and her both sat on the bed. You covered your face with your hands, thinking of ways to get back at Nate.

"Bloody Rose! Don't worry! He's only mad because we're supposed to move back to the mansion today! Ticci Toby is staying here, along with Clockwork and Lily! But..Nate is coming with us." Sally informed you. As much as she tried to sound bubbly, you knew she wasn't. You knew she was trying her eyes out, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. The only thing on your mind was;


*~After Slender Man had finished packing, and after everyone safely returned home~*

You lay in bed that night thinking. You covered your face with a sheet, just using your imagination, and using your imagination only. What is Nate injured Sally. What if Nate and Jeff teamed up to kill you. What is Slender Man hated you. What if Jane didn't really like you. What is Ben was just using you, and Nate was right. What if..

What if you ran away?

Would anyone miss you? Well, at least you know Sally and Smile would. Possibly Jane, Masky and Hoodie. But where would you even go? Exactly. The thought that left a hole in your plan. But the one thing you still kept thinking was; revenge. And Nate was going to get it. You were going to tear his heart to pieces. You were going to wreck him and break him, the same he did to you. You were gonna..

kill him.

Even if it meant using all the force and power you had. You didn't care. He called you a bitch. He disrespected you. He degraded you. He told you nobody really liked you. But you knew most of those things weren't true.

You heard a knock at your door.

"Come in! Geez, the door is open, obviously." You said angrily.

"Well hello to you too." You heard a familiar voice say. No. It was not Slender Man. Nor Nate, or Ben. It was..


You immediately sprinted upwards, and scoffed. You regained posture, standing up.

"What do you want!?". You huffed.

"Look...Y/N, can we please get back together? I promise it will never happen again. I will hurt you sometimes, but that's only because..I'm a monster! Do you even understand that? And I love you! I made a dumb mistake, please forgive me." Jeff bent down and planted a kiss on your wrist. Tears began to form in your eyes. "Yes Jeff! I really needed you at a moment like this." You sobbed, as Jeff pulled you into a hug.

Jeff released you, turning the light off and closing the door. He took your hand and led you to the bed, where you got on first. You happened to be fairly sleepy. Jeff lay next to you, your hands locked with his.

"Y/N tell me what happened. I promise I won't get mad." Jeff assured you, quickly pecking your lips. You swallowed the forming lump in your throat, "You promise?". "Yes Y/N, I promise." You nodded.

"Well...please don't tell Ben I told you this, he'll be mad at me. But, while we were broken up..he sort of...kissed me." You admitted. You heard Jeff growl, "He kissed you?". "While we were broken up!". You reassured him, placing your hand on his shoulder. You could feel him claming down, like he finally came to his senses.

"Okay, anything else?". He huffed.

"Yes. Nate is being mean to me." You began.

Then you told him everything. Everything. It was good to have Jeff back. Sure, he made mistakes, and he hurt you. But he deeply loved you. And he is no monster. He is just an angel in disguise.

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