chapter 1: changing my life

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  • Dedicated to You


 You trudged throughout the woods languidly, caressing your hand, trying to ignore the sonorous buzzing ringing upon your very ears. 'I need to find my dog, soon!'. You thought, as beads of sweat trickled down your cold, forehead.

 "Lily! Come here girl!" You called out.You gleamed around, searching and listening carefully very cautiously for a bark, or whimper. You held out your trembling hand with a flashlight. you heard a twig snap behind you. You slowly turned around. "H-Hello?" you called. You were scared out of your Witt's, but just shrugged it off. You slowly turned around. You were shocked to see a TALL man in a suit. he had no face and Was about 10 or 11 feet tall. You knew exactly who he was in a heart beat.

"S-len-" You spoke trying to find enough courage to speak. you had always read stories about him killing people, how he swung them into trees, how to would choke them . "Hello Child" He said making every hair on your body stand-up. He sounded like his voice was low and coming and going with the chilling wind. "A-are you".. "please dont kill me!" You shouted, amazed by your courage. Slenderman let out a laugh. " I'm not going to kill you I was wondering if you wanted to meet the creepypastas, I saw how you attacked that boy". Your eyes widened just by the though of what you did, and you knew, your past would soon come back into replay.


You were being dragged into an alley and you were screaming for help. "No one can hear you". the man chuckled. He pulled a pocket-knife from his pocket. You were being dragged violently by your (h/c) hair. He came to a stop as he rapidly hauled out his poiny, sharp, silver knife. You had  taken wrestling, so you were prepared for a fight here and there. He  hovered over you menacingly, as he was about to stab your chest roughly, ending your very, mere life when you grabbed his arm and began twisting it around, your head beating out of your very chest in a scattered panic. The pain shot up in his arm as the knife left his firm grip. You had broken his arm and were proud of it. He deserved it for all the pain he caused you. "No-one can hear me, but I don't need them" You said letting go of his muscular arm. You picked up the large knife carefully and realized it was very sharp

and could easily rip through flesh and skin. You glazed  at the knife, then back at the panting man with terror dancing in his eyes. "Please!" He begged. "please? You caused me all this pain and PLEASE!?" You snickered, you were not your self for that matter of second. You stuck the knife in his heart and tore through harshly. The man died instantly from the cause of it, as you sat glaring at the man coarsely . You dropped the knife and ran. It might have sounded like you were brave, but you weren't , you were timid.

                                                           ~(END OF FLASHBACK)~

"I-I was just". You hesitated, trembling slightly "I was just protecting myself" you reassured eager to make him believe you. "Yes I know, but it was impressive". You smiled slightly blushing, as you felt self pride.

. No one had ever called you brave before, and it felt good, especially coming from a gigantic creature such as Slender Man was. "Come with me Child." Slender Man said, gripping your hand, as you followed alonf, very flummoxed.  "My names (y/n)". You said taken back by what you said, for the first time in forever, it felt good to get the words scattered in your mind, to take place in reality

. Slenderman amusingly chuckled. "Yes I know I just prefer child". He said, lifting you up so your bare feet dangled upon the radiant, green grass.


You walked for what seemed like hours, searching around you began to spo a imaginary like, seemingly glowing portal,

, like the one in Minecraft. You joyusly snickered  at the thought of it.  Slender Man  dropped youas you led you throughout the woods to the very portal, and you went through with him. You felt pain in hugging your sides, refusing to let go. "Oh sorry, forgot to mention you have to close your eyes if your mortal". Slenderman said worriedly, as he shook his head forgetfully. "It's okay Slenderman". you said smiling, as Slender Man rised up in shock, before he began speak. "Call me Slender". He stated, impressed.

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