Chapter 6: You jelly bro?

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You woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. "BREAKFAST?" You ran downstairs to see the one and only, SLENDERMAN cooking. "Hello Child" Slenderman said turning to look at you. "W-wheres everyone else?" you asked looking around the empty house holding only 2. "Still sleeping" He asked in a whispering tone. "Can you wake them?" You nodded as your bare feet touched the steps.

The steps made sort of a creaking noise. first was Sally. You shook her gently before she yawned and opened her eyes. You carried her downstairs. Then, was Eyeless Jack's room. "Jack..." You whispered. He didn't answer "JACK!" You screamed as you hit him with a pillow. You both started giggling and he headed down stairs. Next was laughing jack. He slowly crept into his dim room.

You headed to his bed. and threw your flip-flop at him. He woke up instantly about to kill you when he realized it was you. He put his arms down and started laughing. he walked down stairs. Ben and jane were heading downstairs. they must have been woken up by you. OOPS

Jeff followed along with Splendorman Masky and hoodie and you. You sat by Laughing Jack as you felt most protected by him. You turned to see jeff's arm around jane. This feeling was building up inside of you. Was it.... jealously? But how he was a cold hearted killer! In the corner of your eye, something snapped you out of your thoughts. You saw them kissing. Your heart ripped into a million pieces and this was the kind, you couldn't repair or bandage.

"Hey guys no pda! you dont see me going around kissing (y/n)" Laughing jack said nudging you. you started to blush. "Hey sexy child, come here" Splendorman walked outside. You hesitated for a moment, but then followed him outside

"Your jealous of jeff and jane right?" He asked you. Just then, you stopped in your tracks "Um... No, how, well, jane, are they..." You got lost in your thoughts. Splendorman stopped as well "I'm not sure if they're dating, but I think we should" He said leaning closer. You ran inside screaming like a madman.

You threw a pillow across the room, knocked over a book shelf, slapped Splendorman, Threw your phone across the room and ran in circles, then stopped when you got tired

Everyone looked shocked, but soon after they began to laugh. Jeff was falling out of his chair.

"Good times" Everyone said at once. You began laughing too. "Hey Laughing Jack, can I talk to you?" You asked. Without hesitation, he got up and walked to the living room. "I was wondering if you would help me train" You asked surely he would say no. "Sure" You were taken back by his words. you hugged him. You walked in the bathroom only to see jeff in there "Oh sorry" You turned to leave when you felt his cold hand on your shoulder. It made you shiver. You slowly turned around to face... jeff

"Look (y/n) I'm sorry for slapping you, I just met you and I can make up for it". You were taken back by his words "I'll take you out killing". He said smirking.


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