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"I'm tired of you thinking you can do whatever you want Jane! Y/N is an amazing, beautiful girl who doesn't deserve this!". Ben half exclaimed, his hand snaking around your waist.  

"Get the hell off of her Ben, she's mine only mine!". Jeff slouched up, regaining his posture as Jane glared at Jeff, eager to find out why he stepped in.

"Excuse me? I thought I was yours". Jane yelled at Jeff, as he hauled out his knife.

"No Jane, you're my love. You're right, Y/N can go with whoever she wants. But I'm going to make sure I never see her again". Jeff cackled, as he rushed towards you. Slender Man teleported in front of you, stopping the chaos. Sally began sobbing, rubbing her eyes tiredly, as Smile comforted her. You saw Jeff and Slender Man clash, just as Jane ran towards you in the beat of a second. You dodged, just as slender Man held you and Jeff up with his tendrils.

"Jeff, enough! Look what you did to this poor girl!".

"Do I care? Let me the fuck down". Jeff growled, as Slender Man dropped him with ease.

Jeff grabbed your foot, yanking you down as Slender Man grasped his knife, proceeding to take away his weapon.

"We're getting a new lady pasta, and I do not expect this behavior from anyone, or there will be consequences". What? A new lady Pasta? Hopefully this will be good. Unlike you and Jane's relationship, this might actually have some peace or hope.

"Everyone to bed now! Jeff, you will be sleeping on the couch!". Ticci Toby yelled, huffing.

And you went to bed, Ben trailing behind you. Ben grabbed your hand, seeking approval. "Y/N, I have a good idea". You nodded your head for Ben to continue. "What do I love? Well, games. So how about Jeff is in one of these game? I say we pretend to date, just until it drives Jeff crazy. Then he will want you back. Either that, or you know, me and you could-". You cut Ben off. "Yes! Spectacular idea Ben!". You grasped him into a bear hug, as you went to bed.

(Are you ready?) Living with the creepypastas (Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now