Chapter 16: Snapped

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Do you guys like this series? should i make these longer? also, i hope you guys keep supporting <3 :)


"Okay then..." You said awkwardly stepping on a twig. Slenderman handed everyone some camping supplies

and told everyone to go build it and set up, in the fastest time. You did as you were told. You were holding a tent, blankets, and some marshmallows.

Everyone finished in about 20 minutes, and you all decided to meet up with Slenderman. You were walking with Jeff.

"Hey (y/n)........". He trailed off nervously. "Yeah?". You said, your voice cracking a little, also low because the others were still there with you.

"Will you". He tried to finish his sentence, his mouth was open, but he said nothing. You laughed expectantly.

"Yes Jeff, I'll go out with you". You whispered as you kissed his cheek when the others weren't looking.

He hugged you as Slenderman came to a halt. "Uh oh.......". He said face-palming. "What?". You said, smirking.

"Um... heh heh... I kind of took a map of New Jersey camp". He said laughing nervously. "Your kidding?". Jeff said releasing you, you could tell he was mad.

"No I'm not". Slenderman said facing towards you and Jeff. You turned to face Jane, who was smirking.

"Whats so funny?". Slenderman asked in a worried tone. "(y/n) switched the maps, I saw her". She said pointing towards you.

"(y/n)?". Slenderman said dissapointed, as he looked at youe agape mouth. "I-I didn't". You said looking to see

Jeff laughing silently. "I think it's best if we figure this out...". Slenderman said. He pointed towards he other way,

signalling for you to go that way while they worked it out. You walked rapidly, furious at Jane.

Was she jealous? Was she being rude? Did she switch the maps? You sat by a lake covering your face

with your hands. You heard a twig snap behind you, but you were to sad to even think about turning around.

You realized it wasn't a creepypasta. You turned around to see a man with a gun. You screamed and ran away,

but you tripped. You hit your leg, as it felt like mush. You were too scared to move. He caught up with you as

he took out a gun. "Do as I say, or there will be consequences". He said smirking. "Undress". He said pointing the gun towards your head.

"W-w". "Undress!". He yelled violently. He took his hand and slapped you to the ground, now tossing the gun.

"Don't need a gun to kill a stupid girl". He said smirking. You felt around behind you still looking up at him, he

honestly looked like a violent man and he was in his late to mid 30's. You grabbed onto a tree branch and swung

it at him, you hit him in his side, as he tossed you back, making your back hit a tree. You slid onto your knees from the pain.

"Wear you belong". He spat, smirking. Something inside of you snapped. It was the same feeling you got

when you attacked that other guy, when you first met Slenderman. You got up and lunged at him, knocking him down.

You took his arm and twisted it, hearing a snapping noise. He began to screech out in pain. You had broken his arm. You

stopped when you realized how much pain you have caused him. You backed away slowly, looking at the man,

not crawling away from you in agony. You ran back to look for the others, you began to get worried after searching for hours. You

eventually found the lake you were at, and just stayed there. It was now pitch black, and you never ever have gotten

lost, you just stayed there crying. "I wish the others were still here". You mumbled crying into your hands. You eventually

fell asleep, it wasn't peaceful, but at least it was sleep.


You woke up to a smell, almost like blood. You looked up to see Slederman looking at you paralized. "Slenderman?".

you asked. "I'm so sorry for blaming you, and I saw what you did to that guy, not bad". You imaged he was

now smirking, as if he had a face. "Where are the others?" you asked worried. "sleeping, look there's something I have to

tell you". He said gloomily. He didn't give you enough time to respond before he carried on his sentence. "Jane was taken away by the head master, since she was lying".

"We figured it out then, and every one began telling me I told you so, and I began to feel bad. So I saw

that guy do that to you, and I was about to help when I saw what you did. And I watched you cry. You eventually

fell asleep, and I just stayed here to make sure you were safe". Slenderman said sadly. You hugged his legs,

since he was taller than you. "Thank you". You said smiling. "No prob". "Yeaaahhhhhhh, don't do that".

You said smirking. Slenderman picked you up and you returned back to the camp-ground.


Everyone was told to meet at the camp-fire to tell scary stories, you went first.

"Okay my story is called Slenderman". You said, as everyone looked over to see Splendorman poking

Slenderman as he was face-palming.


"The end". You said as everyone clapped. "Greatest story eva". Ben said laughing. Everyone else told stories

about Slenderman, even Slenderman. Soon after, everyone was very tired so everyone went to bed, including you. You unzipped and went into your tent. This was by far, definetely the best camping trip ever in history.

(Are you ready?) Living with the creepypastas (Jeff the killer x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant