chapter 4 : The survival

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"What happened?" You whispered to Slenderman "This is what happens when he gets mad". Slenderman whispered back looking at his surroundings. "OKAY! (y/n) pick your team". "Team? Are we on survival?" "Yeah!" Said Ben highfiving Jeff. "Uh, I'll choose 2nd". You said not wanting to hurt anybody's feelings. "OK then. I'll choose Smile dog, Jane, Hoodie, Splendorman, eyeless jack". Ben said slowly making his decision. "Yes! I get Slenderman, Sally, Laghing jack, masky and... ". You hesitated and sighed. "Jeff......" You looked up to see jeff looking down and playing with the sharp blade of the knife. "OK everyone lets get set!". Ben shouted

              ~2 HOURS LATER~                                                                                                        

Your team was deciding who should be captain. "I think slenderman". you said. "I agree" Everyone said. "Ok, as team captain," Slenderman nudged you. "I say we each have jobs. Sally plants, Laughing jack set up, Masky building, Jeff and (y/n) get food"... You looked over to see jeff narrowing his eyes at Slenderman. "lets go" Jeff mumbled. You walked along the edge of a cliff not noticing. "Here piggy piggy piggy". Jeff laughed devilishly. "Your kidding right?" He asked. You looked to see Jeff angry "NO JEFF, I'm not kidding" You said looking at the ground. You could feel him looking at you angrily

You looked up only for his hand to make contact with your face. You held your face and tried to hold back tears "No one yells at me and I'm not gonna have you change that" He said angrily You were still awkwardly holding your now bruised cheek. You had never EVER imagined to get hit by a guy You didn't think it would hurt this much but boy, were you wrong

He grabbed your wrists violently. You struggled to get out of his strong grip "Let me go!" You screamed. His grip was starting to badly hurt. you were on the edge of crying He let go put pulled out his pocket knife. "I think you should GO TO SLEEP" You screamed and ran to Slenderman crying.

"Whats wrong child?" Slenderman asked lifting you up as he could study your face and emotions better. You lifted your hand away for him to flinch as he was seeing what jeff did. You told hm everything jeff did, hoping he would tell him never to do it again.


"JEFF DID WHAT?" slenderman asked surprised and believing every second you took to tell him what jeff did. Slenderman set you on the grass gently before signalling for you to go by Laughing Jack. You watched as his tentacles came together and he teleported away. You walked on the slippery grass eager to see Laughing Jack. You hadn't really seen him before, all you knew was that he was a clown and he loved candy. you came to a stop when you saw him setting up wood for a fire. "H-hi" You said scared to see if he would be mad or hit you. He turned to look at you. You thought he was actually quite handsome, in a killer type of way. He was black and white and he was smiling with sharp teeth.

You kept looking at his teeth. They looked like vampire's teeth. He turned to look at you. "Hi I'm Jaughing Jack" He said. You hugged him. To your surprise, he hugged you back. Maybe he's not as bad as you thought he would be. He looked at your cheek. He looked at it as if he knew everything that happened "J-Jeff.. did this?" He asked. He silently nodded then spoke. "He got mad at me" You said looking at the ground thinking LJ would yell at you. "A-aren't you gonna yell at me?" You asked looking up. "Yell at? No! Jeff can be a jerk sometimes". Laughing jack chuckled.

You spent about 20 minutes talking to laughing jack. He was so funny and for once in your life, he was someone who understood you. Not long after you were about to check for Slender, he reappeared, With Jeff. He was holding him by his neck. "Say it jeff" Slender said expecting him to "FINE! I'm sorry" jeff said, more like shouted. Slenderman nodded and dropped jeff on his butt. He looked up at you and you hid behind Laughing Jack. He stood in front of you, protecting you.

"Don't hurt her" Laughing Jack growled. "Maybe if she wasn't so dumb, I wouldn't have to" Your heart stopped. You had never been called that. You had always been smart to be honest. Jeff walked away muttering someone you didn't quite catch. "Thanks Jack" You said gratefully hugging him. you walked away to get some food. You heard barking and turned to meet, smile dog. He looked alot like Jeff. To be accurate, EXACTLY like jeff. Only he had eyelids. You laughed at the thought of it.

"Hello (y/n). Smile said. You weren't necassarily scared or creeped out as most say, you were just... surprised? "Y-you talk?" you asked still thinking about this. "Yes I do, you're not crazy" You laughed at what he said. Just then you heard something jump out, it was Jeff. He picked up his dog and left, not looking, saying, or touching you. You wanted to be friend with everyone. Well, just at least not jeff. You walked up to Slenderman. "Hey, can we do something fun?" You asked walking up to to Slenderman trying to text "Stupid phone" You laughed "Too late, already planned something". He said looking up from what seemed like he was trying to text. "I can text Slenderman". He looked at his phone, then back at you. he handed you a phone. "Text everyone telling them to meet by the campfire". You did as you were tolled to do and texted everyone.

This was going to be a fun night.....

(Are you ready?) Living with the creepypastas (Jeff the killer x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora