Chapter 15 : Camping

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After breakfast, Slenderman  announced he had some news.

You were pretty excited to hear the news, but also scared. What did he have to say?

Masky waved a hand i front of your face. You were immediately snapped out of your thoughts. "Sorry, What?".

You asked puzzledly. "As I was saying....." Slenderman trailed off.

"I've decided, that since all of you like fun......."

"GET ON WITH IT!" Ben yelled. Everyone looked at him, including you.

"Sorry". He mumbled.

"Anyways......" Slenderman nudged Ben's arm.

"We're going....... Camping!"

"Huh?" Everyone said at once.

"You see, when we went into Minecraft, we only camped for 2 days, we need more time".

"Jeff, no slapping this time". Laughing Jack said. You didn't even pay attention to what

they were saying. It all sounded like chirping. Blah,blah,blah...

Until you heard Slenderman say "Let's go!". He opened the door as you guys headed out.


You had been walking for about 3 hours, giving Sally a piggy-back ride, carrying Smile Dog, and holding

Jeff's backpack. "Child, why-". Slenderman said before you cut him off. "Yolo". You said smirking.

You finally reached the camp ground. "2 teams?". Masky asked. "Yup". Slenderman said

Slenderman took out a list. "Okay, here are the rules".

"No fighting".

"No screaming".

"No scaring (y/n)".

"No piggy-back rides". He looked at Sally as she climbed off.

"No pda".

"No video-games". He took Your phone and Ipod and Ds, also Ben's ds.

The rules went on for a long time before Slenderman finally said "Ok, Dibs on (y/n)!"

"WHAT!!!!!!!". Everyone said.

"No screaming". You said, causing everyone to laugh.

"Teams are: Me, (y/n) Masky Hoodie, Sally". "And, next Jeff Laughing Jack, Jane, and Smile and Splendorman".

"Sexy children?". Splendorman said, creeping everyone out.

This was gonna be fun............

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