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You backed away slowly, before you began glaring at Nate. Hoping he would find the gentlemen in him to not do this. As hard as you tried to imagine him stopping, you knew it wouldn't come true. He was nothing more but a heartless man who would stop at nothing until he finally ruined your life. He twirled with his knife in his hand, giggling. He languidly placed it back into his pocket. "Never mind. I couldn't even bother without your precious 'Jeffy' coming to save you. You better not tell him. Or else..or else, I'll have no choice but to kill Sally, then Smile, then Eyeless Jack, then Laughing Jack, then Masky, then Hoodie, then Jane, then Splendor Man, then Slender Man then Ben, then"

You nodded as if you understood. But of course, you were going to have to keep it a secret. Just until you devised a plan spectacular enough to pull through and work, almost like magic. You hurried out, running before Nate. There was no way you were talking to him after this. It hurt you badly inside knowing there was nothing you could even do. You trusted Jeff. You wanted to tell him. But right now, you just thought about screaming and bawling on your knees right on the spot. Outside, in front of everyone. You wanted to scream, and let all your emotions out, but you didn't know..exactly if that would be your best choice.

You glanced around with a relieved expression worn on your face. You were relieved to just make it out there alive. "Dude, just shut up! Nobody cares about your stupid video games." "Jane likes them!". "Um..when did I agree to this?". In a flash of seconds, you rushed towards the bickering voices as fast as ever. By the time you got to them, you were out of breath. "Oh! Hey Y/N! Where's Nate?". Jane asked, patting you on the back.

"I'm right here. Y/N decided to be silly and...well practically ran away from me." Nate laughed from behind you. Just the thought of what he did to you, and even his name made you want to rampage. But you decided to hold it in. No more normal Y/N. You have changed. I mean..after all, people expect Creepypasta to be 'scary monsters, weirdos, heart-less, emotionless'. But you weren't aiming for those titles.

You wanted to be different. You wanted your name to go down as the best Creepypasta in history. And you were only at the very beginning. Here was your plan; Kill at least 100,000 people - which would take about a year or so, unless you went on killing sprees every night - that might work out. Next, you wanted to be the first mortal to have a Creepypasta baby, and marry a Creepypasta. If things worked out, you imagined you and Jeff doing those things. And that's about it. It was fairy simple - yet, it would take time.

"Y/N and I are heading home. Bye everyone." Jeff angrily stated your opinion for you, tugging on your jacket. He forcefully grabbed your wrist, signalling for you to walk faster. "What's wrong with you Jeff?!". You screamed at him. "What's wrong with me? I was worried about you Y/N. I didn't know what you and your new boyfriend 'Nate' would be doing." Jeff shot you a glare. "What I'm doing? Please, if anyone would break up it's you!". You yelled enraged, as you tried to wiggle Jeff's muscular hand off of your wrist.

"Jeff! Get off!". You pleaded, managing to fight out of his grip. "Well then walk faster! God, how hard is that for you?". Jeff separated from you, walking faster, and going ahead of you. You finally reached the mansion. Jeff raced in, slamming the door in your face. You sighed. You didn't like this Jeff. But he didn't need to worry about you. You were strong and independent - well, trying to be. And so far, it was working out. Once you got in, all of the lights were off. You checked the duplicated clock hanging on the wall, 7;12

You sighed happily. Slender Man said everyone was supposed to be asleep by 12;30. That meant you still had another five hours to sort things out. You decided to leave Jeff in peace. You went to Slender Man's office and knocked on his door. "Come in Y/N." Slender Man called. You saw him sitting at his desk with his hands folded. You smiled, "I need to talk to you about Nate.." You said shyly, knowing it was a sore subject. "Alright, just make sure to shut the door." You smiled, as you carefully shut the door.

And then you told him the whole story. From the beginning, until what had happened today.

"Really?! Y/N, you swear you are not lying?! Nate can get banned from the Creepypasta would for threatening to kill you! I need to call him up immediately. Thank you for informing me Y/N. Now, please just go to bed early. I told Jeff the same thing. Because you two seem to have trouble waking up. And, you will be packing to stay in a cabin for a month." Slender Man informed you, his hands motioning while he was talking. "Okay." You said lowly, going upstairs to your bedroom. You slowly creaked open the door. You noticed Jeff laying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling tediously.

"Jeff?". You dared to say his name.

And what he did was worse than just yelling. He did nothing. Absolutely nothing. And from past experience with him, you've learned he's only silent when he's super mad. "Babe, come here a minute." Jeff said, now looking at you closely. You reluctantly crawled into bed, covering yourself with the sheets and laying your head on the pillow tiredly.

"Look, I didn't mean to snap at you babe, you know that. I just wanted to make sure you guys didn't do anything. I was worried for you." Jeff informed, laying his head on another pillow, staring deeply into your E/C shining eyes. You smiled, "It's okay Jeff. I forgive you. And I'm really tired, can we please go to sleep early?". You asked, emphasizing the word 'early'. Jeff let out a small 'hmm' sound. You could tell he was tired.

You lay down, facing him as he leaned in to kiss your soft lips that he always craved to kiss. You leaned in after, your lips connecting to his. Your heart skipped a beat, as you felt fireworks spark around you and Jeff. He wrapped his arms around you, as you turned away from him. You slowly closed your eyes.

"I could stay like this forever, babe." Jeff snickered. You nodded,

"I agree Jeff." You smiled, before you fell asleep.

(Are you ready?) Living with the creepypastas (Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now