Time jump

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Almost a year had past since Hanna had said her goodbyes. The hospital however carried on as normal of course just short one cog in the machine. Avery was walking through the reception when he caught the sight of the camo uniform. His eyes flicked up to see the bright eyes of Dr. Hanna O'Reilly smiling back at him. She had said goodbye, she wouldn't leave knowing they weren't on good terms. A smile split across his face as they moved towards eachother. When he reached her he took her in his arms wholly and buried his nose in the side of her neck.

"I missed you," he whispered.

"I missed you too," she whispered in reply, her lips brushing his ear.

"Hey you!" A voice called breaking the moment.

Hanna let go of Jackson and turned to see Meredith smiling in surprise at her.

"Come here," she said pulling Hanna in for a hug, "does Amelia know you're back? How have you been?"

"I'm good and no she doesn't," Hanna told her as they let go, "I wanted to surprise her. I haven't even been home."

"Well she'll have quite the shock, I think she's in surgery at the moment though," Meridith told her, "but you should stick around and wait till she gets out."

Hanna nodded as Meridith hurried away out of site. She turned to see that as a pleasant surprise Jackson Avery was still standing in the repetition.

"Apparently I've got time if you want to talk," she smiled at him as he stood with his hands in the pockets of his lab coat.


The pair sat on the couch in the attending lounge talking about the letters they had sent over the past year. They talked in length and they talked until he got called to the pit. She didn't have to wait long though until Amelia came through the door after her surgery.

"Oh my God! You're back!" She squealed as she broke into a short run before she tackled Hanna with a hug.

After a long embrace she loosened her grip so she could look Hanna in the eye.

"You ass, why didn't you tell me?" She asked still beaming, "I would met you at the airport."

"I wanted to surprise you," Hanna smiled as she brushed hair from both sides of Amelia's face.

"Well," Amelia said smiling into Hanna's hands, "you got me."

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