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Arizona walked perkily around the halls of the hospital. A smile broad on her face when she spotted Jackson Avery.

"Hey," she chimed almost bumping into him as she walked up to the desk.

"Hey," he said not looking up from his tablet, "Hanna take the day off? I haven't seen her today."

"Yeah, Eliza Minnick is here," she said awkwardly, "so she's spending the day with her."

"Really? You trust Minnick?" He asked looking up from his tablet for the first time.

"No, not really but, I trust Hanna," Arizona said looking skeptical, "I can trust Hanna right?"

"Yeah she's seems pretty serious about you," Jackson shrugged, "but I wouldn't put it past Minnick."

Arizona nodded nervously and walked off back down the halls.


Happily, Hanna pushed open Arizona's front door and called out to her.

"Hey," Arizona smiled turning around on the couch, "I missed you yesterday, did you have fun?"

"Yeah we had a great time," Hanna beamed her face lighting up as she sat down next to Arizona, "it was mostly just zombies and wine but I had pierogi."

This got her a confused look from Arizona who sat back from her a little bit.

"Not that kind of pierogi," Hanna said quickly looking slightly disgusted, "you know little packages of cheese and potato wrapped in pasta that tastes like heaven. They're a gift from Jesus, they're even wrapped. In pasta."

"Yeah you mentioned that," Arizona laughed putting her hand on Hanna thigh and watched her happy little face.

Reassured Arizona relax and pulled Hanna into her arms and held her as they watched TV until they fell asleep.

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