First day pep

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The car stopped in the parking spot that Hanna O'Reilly chose. She stepped up out of the low vehicle and stood in front of the building where she was about to start her new job. The Grey-Sloan memorial hospital. She heard a lot of good things about this place and couldn't wait to get started.


She knocked lightly on the chief of surgery's office door and waited for an answer. Hanna was nervous but she held as still as she could as the footsteps behind the door grew louder. After a minute the door opened and a small woman stood in the door way.

"Can't open a door?" She asked, her tone a little harsh as she looking up at her with a face that made her feel like a child. Chief Bailey glanced at her door and then back to Hanna to emphasise her point.

"No, I just," Hanna stuttered, "I just didn't want to come right in, you could have been talking to someone."

Bailey looked at her for a second before sticking out her hand. She was so used to people barging into her office that it had slipped her mind that her staff wasn't technically supposed to do that. Hanna took her hand and shook it.

"It is nice to finally meet you in person Dr. O'Reilly," she said, letting go of her hand, "I hope you enjoy working here, now go get to work. I trust that you know where the ER is?"

"Yes ma'am," Hanna said with a smile, "it was nice to meet you chief Bailey."

Hanna turned and walked quickly down to the ER.


Upon arriving, she instantly pulled off her lab coat and ran to the gurney that came racing through the doors. A young redheaded woman came running next to her.

"You the new doctor?" She asked looking over at her slightly skeptical as she reached over the patient.

"Hanna O'Reily," Hanna smiled as the gurney rolled into the trauma room. The red headed doctor seemed to stop what she was doing for a moment as she stared at her.

"Oh my gosh," she squeaked as she worked on the patient, "are you serious? I'm April Kepner. This is.... So weird of me. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Hanna laughed, pulling off her gloves and turning to a nurse to her left, "it's nice to meet you Dr. Kepner. Page cardio."

Hanna gave her one last smile and walk out of the trauma room. She was making her way towards the front desk when someone called her.

"Dr. O'Reily?" a voice said from behind her.

Hanna spun around quickly to find a young blonde standing eagerly in front of her.

"That is I," Hanna joked, giving the young doctor a smile, "can I help you?"

"I'm Dr. Murphy," she said, stepping forward to show Hanna that she was ready to work, "I'm your resident."

"Oh great," Hanna said as her phone started to ring, "one minute."

Hanna stood and listened to the person on the other end. The news made it feel like she had fallen fifty stories. All her first day pep had left her.

"I have to go," was all she could manage to get out before she walked as fast as she could out of the hospital.

"Dr. O'Reily?" Murphy shouted after her, "wait! Where are you going?"

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