The beginning of something beautiful

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Amelia Shepherd walked through the trauma room doors for her neuro consult. She had had a good day and was strolling as she approached the patient and the doctor.

"You the new trauma surgeon?" She asked, walking up to the patient as she took the light out of her pocket.

"No I'm just a civilian," Hanna joked, shrugging as she took a step back to let Amelia work, "I asked if I could have a go and they were like yeah sure come on in."

Amelia chuckled as she check the man's pupils.

"Fixed and dilated," she said falaunly, stepping back from the patient, "you lost him, I'm sorry."

"That's too bad," Hanna said pulling off her gloves, "he was really funny for the two minutes he was conscious."

Amelia looked back at Hanna as she waited for the surgeon to catch up with her so they could go and speak to the family. A small look of disbelief at the comment as she chuckled.

"You are a horrible human being," she laughed as they walked out together.

"You'd be surprised but I don't get that a lot."


"Arizona that is never gonna stick," Amelia sighed as she leaned on the desk, "but yeah she's great, really sarcastic, but funny. Not stuck up at all."

"Who? Dr. McHot?" Alex asked, walking up to the part of the desk next to them and handing a chart to a nurse.

"Ha!" Arizona exclaimed triumphantly, point her finger at Alex then at Amelia, "it stuck. See, it's a good one. It's making a come back."

"That nickname thing was you?" He said, sounding slightly disappointed.

"It suits her though right?" She smiled, turning to him as he smiled pitifully at her.

"I don't know about bringing the whole Mc-thing back," he said turning  to walk away but Arizona followed him leaving Amelia behind.

"You obviously haven't seen her yet cause I mean she is gorgeous," she told losing focus for a second, "like oh my god hot. Like no way is someone that beautiful hot."

"Arizona?" Alex said turning and stopping right in front of her, "shut the hell up and let me do my job."

"You should really see her Alex," Arizona called after him as he walked away, "she is stunning."

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