Friends ain't so hard

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Hanna was walking across the car park when a deep voice shouted after her.

"Hanna!" It called, "Hanna!"

"Owen?" She said, stopping and turning slowly to find the ginger man jogging over to her, "Owen!"

When he got to her they embraced tightly for several minutes. The silence between them was comforting, it was an atmosphere that said 'I missed you'.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here?" He smiled pulling back from the hug to look at her.

"I started yesterday," she said letting go of Owen's arms and pulling her bag back onto her shoulder.

"You work here?" He said happiness irradiating his voice, "I can't believe it I haven't seen you in so long."

"Have you seen Teddy?" He asked excitedly, "and Riggs? He's here too."

"I haven't, yesterday was really quiet actually," she told him as they walked to the hospital together.

"Don't say that," he said, "you'll jinks it and a huge trauma will come in."

Hanna laughed at him for being superstitious but just then their pagers when off.

"I told you," he said breaking into a run.

"Shut up," she said running after him.


"Okay what've we got?" Hanna asked jogging into the trauma room.

"John Evens, 10 years old, gsw's to the chest," a resident told her.

"What happened?" Hanna asked emotions swimming around in her head.

"A shooting at the mall, shooter was shot and killed at the scene," he said working fast with Hanna on the patient.

"Okay, so let's save this kids life."


Hanna sat forlornly on the couch in the attendings lounge. Amelia Shepherd walked through the door to find her. Amelia wandered over and sat next to Hanna.

"You lose a patient?" She asked watching the vacant stare on Hanna's face.

"No," Hanna replied turning to look at Amelia, "the kids fine, it's just war stuff."

"Oh do you want me to get Owen cause I know that he might get it a bit more," she offered kindly rubbing her hand on her back.

"No, not Owen," Hanna told her quickly, "there's nothing wrong with Owen it wasn't his fault but I just can't look at him not today."

Amelia looked both confused and concerned.

"When we were out there there was this kid," she explained, "I couldn't see but Owen could, he had a vest on. He gave the order but I shot the gun."

"I know that you probably don't want to see me but I wanted to know if your okay," Owen's voice said from the doorway.

Not looking up from the floor Hanna said, "I'm surviving."

"Okay," he mumbled as he left the room, "Robbins."

"Hi Owen," her perky voice said making Hanna look up from the floor, "you ready to go?"

"We're going for drinks to celebrate our win," Hanna explained to Amelia, "you wanna join?"

"Alcoholic," she said pointing at her self with a weak smile, "but thanks anyway."

"Okay, I will remember that," Hanna said standing up and walking over to Arizona, "we'll have to, I don't know, grab a juice some time."

"Oh yeah," she laughed, "piss off."

"I'll see you tomorrow," Hanna smiled as she walk out the room.

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