Workplace romance

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Hanna happily walked through the halls of the hospital in her dark blue scrubs and white coat. Amelia Shepherd by her side as they talked about last night's antics.

"Really?" Amelia said shocked, stopping to grab a chart, "she can bend like that?"

Hanna gave her a mischievous smile and a nod as they continued their walk down the neuro ICU. As they walked Leah Murphy caught up with them.

"Hi um, Dr. O'Reily?" She said standing behind them, "I've done all you post ops and am ready to do some trauma."

"That's the spirit Murphy," Hanna chimed proudly, "you may not be on cardio but your gonna make the most of it."

Hanna squeezed Amelia's arm to say goodbye and walked back down the hall with Leah towards the ER.

"You know that I love cardio?" Leah said confused as to why Hanna would have noticed that.

"I know a lot of things," Hanna replied being playfully mysterious, "like how you got fired but worked your ass off to come back. How you caused a problem with sexual harassment suits. I like to know my residents. I'm happy to know that you've grown both as a person and a doctor."

Hanna had stopped mid speech to talked to Murphy properly. She now stood smiling warmly at her resident.

"So come on, let's go," Hanna told her as she turned to fast walk down the corridor.


"Time of death 18:52, you did good Leah," Hanna said reassuringly as she watched Murphy's face fall.

"Thank you, Dr. O'Reily," she said taking a deep breath before following her attending out of the trauma room.

"Oh hi!" A perky voice said to the right  of Hanna.

Hanna turned to see Arizona leaning on the front desk with her tablet in hand.

"Hey," Hanna said smiling sweetly as she left Leah to walk over to Arizona, "you okay?"

"Yeah," Arizona said with her super-magic smile that made her dimples pop out, "I just saved a kid's life."

"That is awesome," Hanna said putting the tablet in her hand back in its slot.

"Hey when do you get off work?" Arizona asked leaning closer to Hanna.

Hanna looked over at the clock and thought for a second, "in about two hours."

"Okay good because you are going to put on something really sexy and come to my house for dinner," Arizona told her not really giving her a choice in the matter.

"I am?" Hanna chuckled looking into Arizona's crystal blue eyes.

"Yes you are and your also gonna drive me there because you drove me to work this morning so I don't have my car," Arizona said putting her chart back in its slot.

"I'd be happy to," Hanna said before leaning in and kissing Arizona on the cheek and walking off to find another patient, leaving Arizona standing by the desk with an adorable smile on her face.

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