20 Questions

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After everyone had arrived they were all sitting on and around the couch getting to know Hanna and talking about past memories.

"But can we go back a bit?" Maggie asked slurring her words slightly, "your dad is Henry Goldson. Your a Goldson."

"Yes Maggie we've already established that," Jackson said sounding slightly annoyed with her.

"It's okay Jack," Hanna said putting her hand on his knee to calm him down, "and your Meredith's sister and your not related to Amelia so that makes you Ellis Grey's kid right?"

"Yeah but I didn't grow up as Ellis Grey's kid, all that money," Maggie exclaimed clearly drunk.

"I can tell you that I didn't grow up with 'all that money'" Meredith laughed mocking her sister.

"Can we move on from the money topic please," Jackson said reaching over Hanna to grab his drink from the table.

"Oh shut up Jackson," Arizona told him a little more forcefully than she meant to, but she saved it a little, "Mr. Grandpa gave me a quarter of a million dollars."

"Don't do that," he said defending himself, "she is way richer than I am."

"Okay you people are making me feel broke, get off the money topic," Webber told them before sipping his water, "you seem to know a lot of people around here, how do you know them?"

"Well know Jackson from Gala's, events, dinners," Hanna explained pointing up at Jackson when she said his name, "I know Riggs, Owen and Teddy from the army and I recognize your face but I can't remember where from."

As she finished she turned to talk to April and studied her face trying to remember.

"When I did my tours you came in briefly," April explained, "you weren't there long. I didn't think you'd remember me."

"Oh I'm sorry," Hanna told April apologetically.

"No don't worry about it," April smiled awkwardly, "I wouldn't have expected you to remember. I think you were there for like a day maybe two."

"But still the army's pretty cool," Joe said as she leaned back on Alex who sat in the corner of the couch, "how long were you out there for?"

"I joined when I was eighteen," Hanna told them, "I fought for two, two and a half years then I came out after I lost someone out there and I then I went through medical school and residency then I went back for another two years as a surgeon."

"That's admirable," Webber said nodding his head in approval, "you got scared but you trained hard and went back, I admire you for that. You know seeing you walk around the hospital you reminded me of someone that I really didn't like."

"Oh yeah," Hanna smiled curiously, "who?"

"See that smile," he said shaking his head, "Eliza Minnick, that's who you remind me of."

"Eliza?" Hanna said sitting back to lean on Jackson's knees in surprise, "really?"

"But you don't anymore," Webber told her with a smile, "not really, I'm happy about that. She was a real menace."

"You know Eliza?" Arizona asked taking note of Hanna's tone.

"Yeah," Hanna said taking her eyes off Webber for a second to talk to Arizona.

"How?" She asked.

"Then she knows," Webber continued.

"She's been my best friend since we were five," Hanna said to Webber defensively, "she's sorry by the way. For everything that she did. The way thing went down with everyone."

Everyone's face got an awkward expression on it as the looked up at the ceiling and down at the floor.

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