Come Along

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Arizona had left Callie with a patient and was walking up to the Peds ward when she got Henry Goldson's email.

Hello all, Goldson industries would like to show our support for the Grey-Sloan Memorial hospital by holding a fundraiser with all our friends. You included so, dress up and get your charm on cause tonight Doc, we're going dancin'

Kind regards
Mr. Henry Goldson

Arizona looked down at her phone and frowned.

"You get one too?" Alex asked gesturing with his phone.

"Does it mean tonight, tonight?" She asked looking through the message again, "cause it doesn't say a date or anything, it just says tonight."

"You should probably ask Hanna, she'll know," he said switching his phone off and placing it back in his pocket.

Arizona nodded as Alex walked away down the hall.


"Hey, Hanna?" Arizona called as she walked towards Dr. O'Reily in the canteen.

"Yeah?" Hanna replied turning to look  at her.

"Do you know anything about this fundraiser thing your Dad's organising?" Arizona asked pulling her phone out her pocket.

"No but I'll probably get a call later," Hanna told her, "what of it?"

"Look," she said showing her the email.

Hanna quickly read the email and gave Arizona her phone back, "I don't know, but my Dad's always been known for doing things on short notice."

"So I have to get a dress worthy of a gala hosted by Henry Goldson," Arizona huffed.

"You'll be fine," Hanna smiled putting her hands in her lab coat pockets.

"So, no one will notice if my outfit didn't cost a million bucks?" She asked laughing slightly.

"Oh no, they'll probably notice," Hanna joked, "but they won't bring you up on it."

Hanna turned and walked away, she turned back once more to see Arizona's slightly worried face.

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