Take care

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Hanna stood like a child almost hiding behind Johnathan while Jackson stood off to the side awkwardly. As the door to the psych unit opened she began to panic.

"No Johnny," she said backing away but he grabbed her she couldn't leave, "Johnny I changed my mind, I don't wanna go in, I can't. Johnny let me go. Please."

"Hanna stop," Jackson said taking control of the situation, "Hanna this isn't you okay. You are a kind, stable person who makes rational decisions to save lives."

"No this is me," Hanna snapped as she continued to push against Johnathan, "the purest version of me, nothing altering me. Nothing changing my mind."

"Miss Goldson?" The doctor asked looking down at his chart.

Hanna looked up both angry and in tears, as her eyes made contact with her doctor her face fell as she felt disappointment radiate through her cells.

"Hanna," he said calmly putting down the clipboard and looking over at his patient sympathetically.


While they waited news on Hanna, Johnathan and Jackson sat in the waiting room.

"So? You wanna explain what's going on?" Jackson asked leaning forward in his chair, "I know that's she's sick but you need to explain what's going on so I can help her."

"Hanna's bipolar," Johnathan explained, "usually she's fine with the meds and therapy, perfectly stable but when something as bad as losing the two most important people in her life happens, she falls off the wagon and we can't blame her for that."

Jackson was listening contently wanting to know every detail so he could help his new fiance.

"It starts off relatively normal, then she gets happy like over the moon happy," Johnathan continued, "and it's fine cause who worries about a happy person right? You just go along with it.  But then she crashes and it's shit scary, its like beyond depression. She doesn't move it's like she can't. You gotta watch her every second."

"Fuck," Jackson said taking a deep breath as he sat back in his chair.

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