The Big Apple

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Hanna sat on the couch feeling numb. She didn't think she could feel like this. It was like she was in so much pain she couldn't feel it anymore. Like she was broken. Callie Tores sat down next to her, she had known her for a long time and was so grateful that she had let her stay with her. She rubbed Hanna's arm and put a plate in front of her.

"Is Eliza coming around today?" She asked cautiously. She had been careful about what she said around Hanna ever since she came to New York.

"Working," Hanna said dryly, staring down at the plate.

"You want to go out?" Callie asked looking at her sympathetically.

Hanna turned turned her head and looked at her. She paused for a second as she thought about how long she had been sat on that couch.

"Okay, I have to leave your apartment at some point right?" Hanna said, her face not changing at all as she spoke.

"It's only been a week," Callie said, shuffling closer to her, "you don't have to if your not ready."

"No your right I need to at least function," Hanna told her with a weak smile.

She couldn't talk about it. Not yet. The blow had been the worst pain she had ever felt and it was like a part of her had died and was left rotting inside her.


6 months later

Hanna came back in through the front door to find Callie sitting with Sofia. She smiled weakly as she turned to close the door.

"Hey," Callie called, not moving from her seat as she played with Sofia, "how was it?"

"The mall?" Hanna chuckled, "it was great, walked a lot. Didn't cry. So progress I think. I had a pretzel and everything."

"Oh well that's good," Callie smiled, shifting in her seat so that she could talk to Hanna properly, "you like pretzels."

"I think I'm getting bored," Hanna told her sitting the other side of Sofia, "with the not working. I need to do something you know?"

"You ready to go back?" Callie asked, a supportive expression on her face.

"Yeah I think so," Hanna said decisively, "I better start hospital hunting."

"You have a job in Seattle," Callie sighed leaning back on the couch, "I talked to Miranda and told her what happened."

"It's been six months Callie," Hanna told her with a sigh, "I really don't think that she waited for someone she doesn't know for that long."

"Then email and ask," Callie suggested  as she made her plans to get Hanna back into work, "and if she says no, I'll email and ask."

Hanna rolled my eyes and laughed at her determination to get me her job back. Callie had been a good friend of hers since they were young and it had been her that actually suggested Seatle when Hanna told her she wanted to move from New York. Hanna couldn't be more greatful for the support she had given her over this time in her life.

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