Johnathan my dear

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A tall man with dirty blonde hair stood in the waiting area wearing a suit. Arizona noticed him as she walked by and wondered if he needed to speak to Bailey about the hospital so, she walked over to check.

"Are you looking for the Chief of Surgery?" She asked the man, "cause I can entertain you until she gets here if you want."

"No um," he said snapping his head round to talk to her, "I'm looking for um..... Dr. O'Reily."

"Oh Hanna," Arizona smiled as she thought about their date tonight.

"You know her?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah, she's my," Arizona paused for a second to think, "well I don't know, we're sort of having a thing. Can I ask who's asking for her?"

"I'm Johnathan, just tell her that Johnathan's here," he told her looking a sympathetic towards her, "just so you know, you seem nice so, Hanna's not the best at relationships. Just watch her she's very good at hiding things."

"What are you talking about?" Arizona asked worried, "she's perfect at this."

"I bet she always knows the right thing to say," he smiled sympathetically, "she's really good at it. But, she can be really good at it with more than one person at once. Now, if it doesn't mean anything she probably won't tell you, won't even cross her mind. It's the ones she does tell you about that hurts the most."

"I'll tell her you're here," Arizona said coughing to steady her now shaking voice.

"Thanks," he said with a little smile before sitting in one of the chairs.


Arizona wasn't really looking for Hanna, she didn't think she could look at her at the moment but luckily, she ran into Amelia on her travels through the hospital.

"Hey could you tell um, Hanna that Johnathan's here," she asked looking hopefully at Amelia.

"Johnathan? As in ex-husband Johnathan?" She asked with an amused look on her face, "sure, if I see her I'll tell her."

"She has an ex-husband?" Arizona asked shocked.

"She didn't tell you?" Amelia said looking slightly awkward now, "I thought she would've."

"No she didn't," Arizona snapped sounding a little annoyed.

"You should talk to her about it," Amelia advised, "I'm sure she can explain."


"Hey sorry I'm late," Hanna smiled cautiously as she jogged up to Arizona who was standing by the car, "I got held up, Johnathan said he talked to you earlier."

"Yeah," Arizona said slightly bitter.

"You okay?" Hanna asked noticing Arizona's tone.

"Yeah, I'm fine don't worry about it," she smiled weakly as she got in the car.

"Okay," Hanna said both worried and confused.


They were sitting Arizona's kitchen table eating the dinner that she had made when Hanna couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Okay what is it?" Hanna asked slightly pissed now, "you've been glaring at me all night, what did I do?"

"Nothing," Arizona told her bitterly, "just forget about it."

"No," Hanna said now annoyed, "I'm not gonna forget about it when you're pissed at me I don't know why."

"You tell Amelia everything," she stated putting her knife and fork on her plate.

"I tell Amelia a lot of things yeah," Hanna laughed confused as to where this is coming from, "she's my friend."

"And Johnathan said something to me," Arizona told her, "and it's been bugging me

"What did he say?" She asked kindly but when she didn't get an answer her anger grew, "what did he say Arizona?"

"He said that you were a cheat," Arizona said pushing her plate away from her, "like a bad one that can't help themselves."

"And what you think I'm cheating on you with him?" Hanna asked looking baffled.

"No, I-" Arizona started but was cut off by Hanna.

"Amelia?" Hanna asked hoping it wasn't this one.

"I don't-" she started again was cut off again by Hanna.

"Amelia Shepherd," Hanna laughed angrily, "you're kidding right?"

"No, I'm not kidding," Arizona said defensively, "I have genuine worries you're not listening."

"No you have genuine worries because you chose to listen to my ex-husband over me," Hanna said getting up to walk out.

"Where are you going?" Arizona more worried that she was leaving now.

"I'm not gonna just stand here and get accused of something I didn't do," Hanna told her fuming with anger before she walked out the door.

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