Hold up

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"I want you to watch his labs, check for DVT and infection every 12 hours okay?" Hanna told Joe who was her intern today.

"Yeah, got it," she said nervously, "can I ask you a question?"

"What's the matter Wilson?" Hanna asked looking up from her tablet to look at Joe.

"It's a little personal, I don't know if your gonna shut me down or not," Joe smiled nervously.

"What's the question Wilson," Hanna said stopping everything she was doing to listen to Joe.

"I heard this rumor that you and Dr. Robbins broke up," Joe said starting to explain the question, "some nurses heard you guys arguing."

"Well, you heard right and so did they," Hanna nodded awkwardly as she turn to walk down the hall.

"That wasn't my question," Joe said speed walking to keep up with Dr. O'Riely, "I wanted to know if you did it for Jackson, uh, Dr. Avery?"

"Joe hold on," Hanna said stopping in her tracks and focusing on Wilson more, "why would I end my relationship for Jackson, we're just friends."

"Well, I was on Dr. Pierce's sevise the other day and in surgery her and Dr. Grey were talking about how Jackson had broken up with her like the moment he knew that you were here," Joe explained.

"Oh right," Hanna said deep in thought, "no I didn't do it for Jackson, I had my reasons but Jackson was not one of them."


Later on in the day, Hanna was sat on the benches out side the scrub rooms when Amelia suddenly latched her arms around her shoulders.

"Hey," Hanna said confused, "whacha doin'?"

"It is called comfort," Amelia said not letting go of her friend, "accept it, you had a break up so as your friend I am giving you comfort."

"Well thank you," Hanna chuckled as Amelia let go of her, "but I'm okay, really you don't need to worry."

"Ahh you say that now but later on you will show your emotions to the blackness of your bedroom," Amelia said acting all wise, "and that's not healthy."

"No, because tonight your coming out with me," Hanna told as she got up to go to surgery, "I've gotta go but we can decide later what we're gonna do."

"Alright, I'll just cancel all the plans I didn't have," Amelia said reviewing her life for a second.

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