Ch.8 - A Smell of Dread in the Air Ruins The Day

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"Eri-chan." Midoriya knelt down to her. "The nice people here said they'll take care of you. So I want you to treat them very nicely and make sure to be safe."

Eri nodded slowly, seeming a bit upset that Midoriya was leaving her. But she also wasn't the type to try and argue. Too afraid that her own wants and desires would upset the people around her. And since Midoriya and company had shown her so many kindnesses in the last few days... she decided she would listen to him and follow through with what he had set up for her.

"Okay, Deku..." She mumbled, her small hands leaving his larger one and walking towards the Sami elder who welcomed her with a soft smile.

"We'll take good care of her." He spoke. "And should something happen... I'll contact you."

"Thank you." Midoriya nodded, looking back towards his allies.

"Returning home until needed again?" Shinsou came forward, his own bags packed and ready to move on to his next mission as well.

"Yes... the world doesn't need my help as often as it used to." Midoriya admitted. "So until I am called upon again, it's back to my day job at the museum and Uraraka-san's always busy with her photography... so it's not like we're sitting around waiting either."

"Glad to hear that you're keeping up with something at least." Shinsou chuckled. "But if you ever decided to get involved more often... you have my number, so let me know when I can be of help. I feel like I owe you after this last time..."

Midoriya waved his hands back and forth, embarrassed even by the thought that Shinsou would assume such a thing.

"O-owe me?!" Midoriya shook his head. "Nonsense! We both want the world to be a happy and peaceful place. Plus... it's rare to find hunters like you and Todoroki-kun who see the supernatural world as something other than dangerous. So, I'm glad to have you as an ally, Shinsou-kun."

Shinsou shook his head. "Every time I try and show my gratitude to you, you manage to compliment me even more. You're truly one of a kind, Midoriya."

The pair of males exchanged a handshake and then like that, Shinsou was off towards the airport. The hunter, unlike Midoriya and his group, having to still take regular transport. And thus, the purple haired male had a plane to catch... and a hopefully must warmer climate to arrive in.

It was about twenty minutes after Shinsou had left that Todoroki emerged from the woods, frown still deep on his lips. It seemed his final search had been successful... but he wasn't too terribly happy with it.

"Here." Uraraka handed Todoroki his small backpack of belongings. "Everything okay?"

"I'll tell you all once we get moving." He spoke, an urgency in his voice.

And like that... everyone started walking. Wanting to get a bit further into the woods so no passerby would see the spell used to transport them all back home. And once he seemed to deem the distance acceptable, Todoroki finally began to speak.

"I checked not only the area surrounding the village... but also back at the scene, we had put to a stop." Todoroki trudged through the snow. "And... everything seemed fine."

"Ah... that's good. Eri-chan should be safe then." Midoriya sighed, relief flooding his being.

The group paused, Uraraka starting to etch out runes in the snow. Bakugou leaned against a tree a few feet away from the others. Todoroki shook his head at Midoriya, the green haired male stiffening as Todoroki spoke up again.

"I fear... Chisaki wasn't working alone." He spoke, the silence of the snowy forest being that much more present.

"What do you mean?" Uraraka laughed awkwardly. "A-all of his allies were talisman... and we got all of them."

Blood Union (A Vampire Bakugou Katsuki x Reader Soulmate AU) (Sequel)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat