Mrs. Morgan

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*Knock knock*

Jake knocked lightly on the front door. The door slowly opened to reveal a small lady on the other side. The lady was a very similar size to Liv so Jake assumed this must have been her mother.

"Mommy! This is Jake", Liv said loudly.
"Hello, Jake. Lovely to meet you", she said, extending her hand.
"Lovely to meet you too, Ms Morgan", Jake responded returning her handshake.
"Is that for me?"
"Oh, uh yes. Merry Christmas"
"Why, thank you. Please, come in"

Jake and Liv entered the house. Jake had a glance at the wall which were filled with pictures of Liv and her siblings through the years. He noticed one picture in particular. It was of Liv in a makeshift wrestling ring in her backyard. Jake gave the photo a slight chuckle and joined Liv and her mom in the kitchen.

"Why don't you two have a seat in the dining room and I'll be out with the food in a second"
"Are you sure you don't need any help, Ms Morgan?", Jake asked.
"I'll be okay sweetie. You two go get comfortable"

Jake and Liv took a seat next to each other on the dining room table.

"Your childhood home is so lovely, Liv."
"Thanks, babe. There's so many memories here."
"I noticed the photo on the wall of you in the backyard wrestling."
"Yeah, my siblings and I made a ring in the backyard when we were younger. I used to take all the moves because I was the smallest."
"I used to play wrestle with my family as well."
"Bet you were always winning"
"Funny enough. I was always the one that took all the moves because I was younger than everyone else."
"Aww, I can't imagine a little baby Jake."
"I'll have to show you pictures when we go see my family"
"I look forward to it."

The couple shared a quick kiss before Liv's mom came in holding a few plates of food for all of them. They all ate their food while Liv's mom was telling some stories about Liv as a child. It made Jake laugh and Liv blush in embarrassment.

"It's a shame everyone else can't be here", Liv said.
"Well, you know how it is around the holidays. No one has a lot of spare time before the big day.", her mom replied.
"I'll make sure we come back for another holiday sometime. Right Jake?"
"Of course! I can't wait to meet everyone else", he replied. "Do you mind if I use your bathroom?"
"Just down the hall on your left, dear"

Jake excused himself from the table and went to the bathroom. This gave Liv and her mom some time to talk.

"So, mom. What do you think of Jake?", Liv asked.
"He's lovely, Liv.", she responded. "Very tall. Handsome. And he's got lovely manners. You really picked a good one"
"Thanks, mommy"

The two girls embraced in a hug as Jake came back into the room. Liv's mom started to clean up the table before she was stopped by Jake.

"Please, allow us, Ms Morgan. It's the least we can do"
"Well, alright I guess. It's probably about time for me to get some sleep anyway."
"We'll try to be quiet, mom.", Liv said.
"Just behave, Livvy."

Jake and Liv cleaned up the dinner room table and finished the dishes in the kitchen before they laid down on the couch together to watch some late night TV.

"Your mom is really nice", Jake said.
"Funny, she said the same about you", Liv replied.
"I knew you got your good taste from somewhere"

Liv slapped his arm before giving him a quick kiss. The couple stayed up for a few more hours before they went up to Liv's old bedroom to crash.

A/N: I know this is a short chapter but there's a few more chapters coming for the holidays. Don't worry, next up is Liv meeting Jake's parents.

Liv In The Moment (Liv Morgan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now