Jake's Birthday

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November 1, 2019

Today was Jake's 22nd birthday. Jake had asked Triple H to organise time off for both him and Liv, so they could spend the weekend together. Jake had spend the entire morning trying to clean and tidy up his house for his girlfriend.

It got to about 3:00 in the afternoon and Jake heard a knock at his door. He opened it to see Liv Morgan standing at the door with a huge smile on her face and a present in her hand.

"Happy Birthday!", she yelled as she jumped into his arms and planted a big kiss on his lips.
"Hello to you too", Jake replied.

He put his girlfriend down inside the house, grabbed her bags and shut the door. She handed him the gift with a smile and he opened it. A watch. Jake always wanted a nice watch to wear out but he never had the time to pick one out.

"It's beautiful", Jake said.
"I've got good taste", Liv replied.
"So do I", he replied, planting another kiss on Liv's lips.
"So, what's the plan for today?", she asked.
"We've got dinner at 6 and there's a few people coming round at about 8."
"Guess we've got a few hours to kill then. Any ideas?"
"Well, I haven't watched back my match from NXT this week."
"Classic Jake. Always working. Can't even take a day off on your birthday."
"What can I say? I'm a professional"
"More like you enjoy looking at yourself"
"Oh, and you don't? Come on, the couch isn't gonna sit on itself"

Jake and Liv headed into Jake's living room. Liv jumped straight onto the couch and Jake set up the WWE Network on his TV.

The NXT North American Champion, Matt Riddle, was standing in the ring. He issued an open challenge to anyone backstage to come down and face him for his title. Jake music hit and the crowd cheered. Riddle just nodded, he was pumped for a new challenge.

Blade and Riddle locked up in the ring. Jake gained the strength advantage and shoved Riddle off, slamming him to the canvas. They locked up again and this time Riddle used his speed and technical ability to go behind Jake and lock him up. The two traded counters and reversals for a solid few minutes. It was a technical masterpiece in the ring.

Then things got more serious. Riddle hit Jake with a chop, so Jake responded with one of his own. Riddle hit a forearm, so Jake again hit back. Jake started the strikes this time and hit Riddle with an elbow. But, before he could respond, Jake caught him with a high knee. Riddle looked knocked out. Jake picked Riddle up with a deadlift German suplex and bridged.


Jake then picked up Riddle from a prone position with a gutwrench powerbomb.


Riddle kicked out again. Jake went to the corner to set up for running bicycle knee but as he went for it, Riddle sprung to his feet and hit Jake with a knee of his own. Payback for earlier. With Jake down, Matt Riddle was able to lock in the Bro-mission. Jake tried his best to fight it but his was in the middle of the ring with nowhere to go. He decided to live to fight another day and tapped out. Riddle had won by submission and was still the North American Champion. NXT ended with the two sharing a respectful handshake in the ring.

"Wow", Liv said.
"I know.", Jake replied. "He's ridiculous"
"It looks like he hits really hard"
"Feels like it too"

Jake lifted up his shirt to reveal an assortment of welts and bruises on his chest. Liv traced her hand along some of the bruises but soon got sidetracked but Jake's physique.

"Enjoying the view, are we?", Jake asked.
"Am I not allowed to?", Liv replied.
"I never said that"
"I like what I see"
"Me too"

Jake pulled Liv on top of him and they started to make out for a few minutes.

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