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August 30, 2021

Richmond, VA
It had now been just over a week since Liv's accident and Jake was finally allowed to come back to work. Once Liv gave her statement to say that the whole ordeal was a freak accident, Jake was allowed out of holding and eventually back to work.

Liv had spent 3 days in the hospital. She had come back to consciousness a few hours into her stay, but the doctors insisted that she remain in their care for a few extra days. This meant that Jake hadn't actually be able to see her since their argument.

Jake pulled up to the arena in his rental car. He parked it in the back and made his way to the locker room with his bags. He found the male locker room and dropped his bags down in the empty room. It wasn't that he was really early to work, it just appeared that everyone else must have been elsewhere. Jake sat in one of the lockers for a few moments. Alone, with just his own thoughts.

That was the moment that he decided to take his life back. His old life. Not this crazy one he had lived for the past couple months. Jake stood up and left the locker room with purpose. Something he hadn't down in a while. He walked around the arena with only one thing on his mind, fixing everything.

Jake made his way to the catering area and conveniently, he found exactly the group of people he needed to see. He approached the group cautiously and tried to not interrupt the conversation. That was until they all saw him.

"Hey man, look, I don't want any problems", Mojo said nervously. "Please, I just healed up and I don't want to go through that again."

"Relax. I'm not here to fight you. Actually, that kind of is why I'm here", Jake began. "I want to apologise. For everything. For assaulting you, for forcing you away from your friend. I'm sincerely sorry for the way I treated you."

"Wow, umm, I don't know what to say to that", Mojo replied.

"I'm not asking for your forgiveness or your sympathy, I just want you to know how sorry I am for my actions and I want this to be the start of my change."

"Yeah, well, thanks, I guess. Hopefully you'll be back to the old you soon enough. Look, I have to head off, but thanks for your apology", Mojo said, extending his hand to Jake.

Jake firmly returned the handshake and Mojo headed on his way. Jake turned his attention towards another member of the group.

"Finn, I'm sorry for being such a shitty friend recently. I'm sorry for accusing you of stuff, and I'm sorry for being so ungrateful. You helped bail me out of jail a few times and there's not many other people that would do that."

"Hey man, we're brothers. I know you would do the same for me if it was the other way around", Finn replied.

"I guess brothers fight sometimes."

"But they're still brothers", Finn said pulling Jake into a hug.

Now was the real moment of truth. Jake turned to the final person in his group. The person he really needed to sort things out with.

"Liv, I'm...", he began.

"Don't.", Liv interrupted.

"But I just..."

"I don't want an apology from you. I don't need it. Just knowing that you're okay again is all that I need."

"What do you mean?"

All of a sudden, Liv jumped into Jakes arms and wrapped herself around him. She planted a deep kiss on his lips. Without hesitation, Jake kissed her back.

"So does this mean?"

"We're okay", Liv replied, planted another kiss on Jake's lips.

"So what's next for you?", Finn asked.

"I need to get out of this storyline.", Jake replied.

"Do you think Vince will let you?"

"I think he'll have to. He can't let one of his biggest storylines be associated with some of the stuff I've done recently."

"We might think that, but you know what Vince is like."

"Yeah, but it's my best bet. I need things to be back to normal and that includes work."

"You just want the fans to love you", Liv said.

Jake rolled his eyes at her but he followed that up with a smile. She was right. Jake couldn't help but want the fans to love him. It was a feeling like no other and he needed that back.

Jake said goodbye to his friends and made his way towards Vince's office. He knocked on the door and was allowed to enter. He took a seat across from Vince's desk and readied himself for the conversation.

"How can I help you today?", Vince asked.

"I need you to get me out of the Bray storyline", Jake responded.

"Why exactly is that?"

"Well, you've seen how things have changed with me since it started. The assaults, the jail time, the reaction from the fans. They hate me!"

"I know, and that's exactly why I can't pull this storyline. You and Bray are the most hated act in this company and I can't afford to lose that kind of money maker."

"But Vince, with all respect, what about me? What about my life?"

"What about you? Not everything is about you!"

"Maybe so, but with all these assault charges and rumours of domestic abuse, there's a chance that I might get forced out of America and back home."

"What you do outside of the WWE is your problem. What storyline's I put you in have no effect on what you do. If you can't stop getting in trouble with the law, then that's your problem!"

"But Vince!"

"Enough! This conversation is over. Either do your job or get out of my company!"


Jake got out of his seat and left the office, making sure to slam the door on his way out.

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