
424 8 0

February 21, 2021

Omaha, NE
Tonight might not have seemed like a big night in the grand scheme of things, but to Jake, tonight meant everything. Elimination Chamber was the final stop until Wrestlemania (yes, I got rid of Fastlane in this because does anyone really care about it?). A win tonight meant that Jake would walk into Wrestlemania as the Intercontinental Champion. A lose? A lose meant he wasn't even sure if he would be on the card this year.

Jake had held the Intercontinental title for 8 months, only recently losing in the previous month. Not bad for a guy who had only debuted 13 months ago. Jake had tremendous respect for the Miz, after all, his win over The Outlaw tied him with Chris Jericho for the most amount of Intercontinental Champion reigns. But that didn't mean that Jake wasn't annoyed that the company had decided to take the title off him so close to the biggest show of the year. Triple H had promised that they had something planned for him, but Jake knew better than to trust Vince McMahon not to change his mind.

Nevertheless, Jake had to push down those feelings for the night and prepare to steal the show again tonight. Going up against Elimination Chamber matches on a PPV card is always a tough task, but if anyone can hold their own against Jake, it's the Miz. Jake had build up his reputation as a wrestler over the past year. It started with the 5 star match with Matt Riddle in NXT, and it continued on the main roster. Jake was having stellar matches with everyone he faced, getting no less than 4.5 stars for all his ppv matches on the main roster. Hell, he even managed to get a solid 4.75 out of Zack Ryder.

Jake was warming up for his match backstage when he heard his music play. He threw on his jacket, let out a deep breath and went through the curtain. He did his regular entrance and waited for his opponent in the ring. The lights dimmed and a video started playing in the tron. It was a montage of all of The Miz's Championship reigns. Even as a face, he was always a little extra. Miz's music played and the crowd chanted along with his signature "Awesome" opening.

The pair locked up and Jake was able to use his strength as to get Miz off his feet. Jake applied a chin lock on Miz and pulled tightly on his chin. The referee checked to make sure there wasn't an illegal choke hold. Miz was able to battle back to his feet and punch Jake off of him. Jake applied a headlock but Miz used his own strength to push Jake against the ropes to break the hold. Miz whipped Jake across the ring and followed up with a knee to Jake's gut. Jake hit the canvas so Miz began picking apart his legs. Jake tried his best to fight out of it. After a short struggle, Jake was able to slip one of his legs out and kick Miz off.

Both men locked up again and Jake transitioned begins Miz and hit him with a bridging German suplex.


Miz kicked out but Jake held onto the hold and rolled into a second German suplex. Instead of bridging, Jake rolled to his feet and hit Miz with a double foot stomp then went to the top rope for a moonsault. As Jake reached the top, Miz got to his feet and pulled him off the turnbuckle into an electric chair.


Miz watch Jake stir as he ran of the ropes with a knee lift and a big boot to follow.


Miz got Jake to his feet again and nail him with the Mizard of Oz, a swinging reverse DDT.


Jake kicked out again and Miz began to get frustrated. Miz hit another knee lift and hit the ropes for a neckbreaker but Jake reverse it into a double chicken wing gutbuster. Jake got to his feet slowly, and Miz soon joined him. Miz swung wildly with a right, but Jake ducked it and connected with a forearm right on Miz's chin. Miz was stagger and Jake got him up for the gut check. Jake slammer Miz down and followed up with the sliding bicycle knee strike.


Miz kicked out again. Jake called Miz to his feet and set up for The Cutlass. Miz shifted his body weight and landed on his feet behind Jake. Miz pulled him into a sneaky roll up.


Jake kicked out and got to his feet but he was met with a big boot from The Miz. Jake crawled over to a corner to help himself up. Miz saw the opening and ran at Jake with a corner drop kick. And another. Then the Awesome clothesline. Miz climbed to the top top and hit a diving double axe handle. Jake slowly got to his knees and Miz got him with The It Kicks. Miz hit 5 kicks before missing the last one, as Jake ducked out of the way. Jake grabbed hold of Miz's leg, got to his feet and slammed Miz down with an exploder. Jake climbed to the top rope again for the moonsault. He dived this time but Miz rolled out of the way. Jake landed on his feet but he got caught by a kick to the knee from Miz and a snap DDT to follow up.


Miz called for the end. He got Jake to his feet and set up the Skull Crushing Finale. Jake slipped under and hit Miz with a half and half suplex. Jake went for his own version of the knee strike and neckbreaker. He hit the knee but Miz reversed the neckbreaker into a Skull Crushing Finale out of nowhere.


Miz couldn't believe it. He hit Jake with his biggest manoeuvre but he still wasn't able to put him away. Miz went to his last resort. He grabbed Jake's legs and began to set up the figure four. Jake somehow still had the strength the kick him of. As Miz turned around, he was hit with a massive bicycle knee and then he was knocked down by a wicked clothesline. Jake stood over The Miz and called him to his feet. Miz wasn't moving but instead, all the lights in the arena cut out and the same time.

A few seconds later, the all came on again. Jake looked back down to see that The Miz was gone. There was no sign of him. The next thing he knew, Jake was being grabbed from behind and slammed into the mat. Jake hit hard. He felt someone pick him up again but he couldn't open his eyes. He couldn't see his attacker. Jake felt something on his forehead and then he was slammed down into the canvas again.

He was knocked out cold.

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