Super Junior

437 10 0

June 3, 2020

Today was a day that Jake had been looking forward to for weeks. Ever since becoming Intercontinental Champion, his schedule was much more hectic. He never really had a day where we was free for a long period of time. But today, Jake was finally able to get a day off. No Raw, no live events, no special appearances. Today was a day that he could have to himself and he knew exactly what he was going to do.

Jake sat down on his couch and switched on his tv. He scrolled through the channels until he reached the channel that New Japan was airing on. Jake ordered the show and got comfortable for a long day of excellent wrestling.

Today's show was the finals of the Best of the Super Juniors tournament. Just over a year earlier, Jake's best friend, Eddie Smoke, had made his debut at that very tournament. This year, he had made it all the way to the final. Jake had tried his best to keep up with as much New Japan as he could, but it was hard when he was on the road all the time.

Luckily, New Japan played a video package before the final that showed a run down of the earlier parts of the tournament. Eddie had beaten 6 men to earn his place in the final. Taiji Ishimori, Bushi , Ryusuke Taguchi, Will Ospreay, El Desperado, and Sho. They played a final package that showed Eddie beating Shia opponent tonight, Shingo Takagi, in the finals of a Junior Heavyweight Championship tournament earlier in the year.

A few hours past, and Jake was officially hyped up for the main event. Shingo Takagi vs Eddie Smoke. His best friend vs a man that was on the brink of being too big to be a junior heavyweight. Not many people would have seen a guy who had joined the company a year ago, being in the finals of such a prestigious tournament but that just showed how much New Japan really valued Eddie.


The match starts and the men lock up in an intense collar and elbow. Both men push each other around the ring, with neither giving an inch, until Shingo uses his power and pushes Eddie to the ground. Shingo offers a hand to Eddie as a sportsmanlike gesture to help him up. Eddie takes his hand but after getting up, twists shingo's arm around his back into a hammerlock. Shingo tries to catch Eddie with an elbow but Smoke ducks and lifts Shingo up for a hammerlock backdrop driver. Shingo uses his strong base to fend off the attempt and hits Eddie with a massive chop to the chest. As he goes for another chop, Eddie ducks it and hits a northern light suplex with a bridge.


As both men get up, Eddie hits a snap vertical suplex and goes for a cover. Shingo powers out immediately. Not even a one count.

As both men stand up Eddie slaps Shingo in the face. Shingo hits back with a slap of his own and soon the men are just slapping each other over and over. Eventually Eddie's striking proficiency gets the edge and his slaps win over Shingo's. Eddie runs off the ropes and hits shingo with a big boot but Shingo stumbles back and rebounds off the ropes with a shoulder bump that sends Eddie to the mat. Shingo tries to hit a jumping knee drop but Eddie rolls out of the way and kicks Shingo in the chest until Shingo is on the ground too. Eddie hits a jumping double foot stomp to Shingo's chest and goes for the cover.


Eddie locks in a sleeper hold while Shingo goes to stand up but as soon as he locks it in, Shingo throws Eddie of his shoulders to the mat and hits a knee drop.


As they get to their feet, Shingo runs off the ropes but is caught by Eddie with a front dropkick,  sending him stumbling back into the ropes. Shingo uses the momentum from rebounding off the ropes to hit Eddie with a sliding clothesline as he sat up from the dropkick. Shingo goes for a cover.

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