Shaken Up

578 11 4

April 13, 2020

Orlando, FL
Jake woke up with a huge smile on his face as he gave his girlfriend a kiss on the top of her head while she slept. Since he was drafted over to RAW, today was Jake and Liv's first time waking up and travelling together to a regular weekly show.

"Good morning", Jake said, as Liv began to wake up.
"Morning", Liv replied, cuddling up more into Jake.
"Come on, get up. We've got a plane to catch!"
"But it's so early. And it's our first travel morning together."
"Exactly, and it's gonna be the first of many of me making sure you get to work on time."

Liv made and unimpressed noise as she slowly rolled out of the bed.

"Come on, I'll make you good while you're in the shower.", Jake said.

A little while later, Liv came out of the bathroom in a rib and shake served her up the breakfast he had cooked. He kissed her on the cheek as he placed the place down in front of them. They finished their food together and Jake went to shower while Liv got dressed. He came out of the bathroom, drying his hair while only wearing a pair of joggers. Even though she was constantly seeing him shirtless when wrestling, Liv still couldn't help but stare at her man's physique.

"Have you put on some more weight?", Liv asked.
"Pretty sure I've put on like 10 pounds over the last year.", Jake replied, as he began to get dressed. "Why do you ask?"
"I just noticed you were looking more muscular. Leaner as well somehow."
"Is that a problem?"
"Not at all, I just wanted to mention how great of look."
"Thanks, baby girl. You look great too!"
"Thank you! I think our workouts are really paying off."
"Well, let's get going so we won't have to use our cardio to run to the airport."

Jake and Liv left Jake's house and got a taxi to the airport. They made it with barely any time to spare, and they quickly boarded their plane to RAW.

Birmingham, AL
Jake and Liv touched down in Birmingham, where RAW was being held tonight. They found their bags and got into a rental car and drive to the arena. Jake parked the car and they headed in. They were walking around backstage when Jake got a text from Triple H.

HHH: Can you and Liv meet me in the office in 5? Want to talk about what's happening tonight

"Hey, babe?", Jake said.
"Yeah?", Liv replied.
"Hunter wants us in his office in a bit to talk about the show."
"Why do you think he wants us both?"
"Probably just because he knows we're coming in together and it's just easier to get us both at the same time."
"Or maybe he wants to put us together?"
"Maybe. We'll just have to find out."

They headed through the arena together until they reached the office. They were a little early but knocked on the door anyway. Triple H answered the door, and he was already waiting for them.

"I'm glad you're both here.", Hunter began. "Now, I don't want to get your hopes up too much, but there's been talks about possibly putting you two together on screen."
"Really?", Jake said.
"See I told you!", Liv added.
"Nothing set in stone, but Vince loves how much the WWE Universe adores your real life relationship, that he's thinking about trying to incorporate it in the weekly shows.", Triple H continued.
"So what's the plan for tonight then?", Jake asked.
"As you know, Jake, you're going to be booked into a feud with Andrade for the Intercontinental Championship after you pinned him on RAW last week. Tonight, I was thinking of teasing that match, as well as the pairing with Liv. I'd like for Liv to be sitting backstage when she's approached by Zelina and Andrade. They'll get in her face about her not being able to find the Riott Squad tonight and how great her and Andrade are as a parking. That's where Liv will fight back by saying that Andrade won't be champion for much longer because you're going to beat him."
"I like the sound of that. Is Jake going to get involved?", Liv asked.
"At the end, yes. Andrade will sound off at you before Jake intervenes when he heard the commotion. He'll come check on you and make Andrade and Zelina back off. Like I said, nothing too much, just enough that it looks coincidental but also creates some buzz around you two."
"It sounds like a great idea, boss", Jake said.
"I agree!", Liv added. "Will it result in a match?"
"We want to have you in Jake's corner at Money in the Bank after Zelina screws him out of the title at Backlash. To even the odds. As for tonight, you're scheduled for a match against a mystery opponent that's been drafted from SmackDown."
"Sounds good. Is that all?"
"Yeah that's all for now"

Jake and Liv got up to say goodbye and leave, before Triple H interrupted them again.

"Actually, Jake, do you mind staying back a second so we can talk in private?"
"Uh, Yeah, sure", Jake replied questionably.
"I'll wait for you outside, okay?", Liv said.
"Sounds good"

Jake gave her a kiss on the cheek before Liv left the office and shut the door behind her.

"What did you want to talk about, Hunter?", Jake asked.
"Well, look. I'm not a huge fan of the idea, but Vince wants to send Ruby and Sarah over to SmackDown."
"Shh, quiet down. Like I said, I don't like the idea, but he's the boss so that's what we have to go with. The whole reason Liv can't find the squad tonight is because they're not here. After Zelina gets in her face, Liv has to go to the ring by herself and there's going to be a graphic on screen that will show Ruby and Sarah being traded in exchange for two SmackDown women."
"How's that going to work? Ruby's the Raw women's champion?"
"I asked Vince the same thing. He said that we're just going to have the titles on the opposite brand until Backlash, where the champions will have to exchange their belts to the correct brand."
"So that means that Ruby's being traded for the Smackdown women's champion then?"
"Which means that Liv surprise opponent tonight is...."
"Oh no."
"Yeah. Just don't tell Liv about any of this okay? Vince wants to see a genuine reaction from her tonight. I just hope she isn't to emotional about the whole thing."
I'll try my best, Hunter."
"Thanks, you're free to go now."

Jake said goodbye to Triple H and left the office. She saw Liv waiting for him a little bit down the hall so he walked over to her.

"Hey, Liv", he said.
"Hi baby", Liv replied. "What did Triple H want to talk about?"
"Uhhh, you know? Just wondering how things are going with me since moving to the main roster. Checking how my homesickness is, with being so far away from home and all."
"Well that's nice of him"
"Yeah, he's like a proper father figure around here. Come on, we should probably go get ready for tonight.

Jake dropped Liv off at her locker room and kissed her before heading to his own. He got there and slumped in front one of the lockers, letting out a huge sigh. He didn't noticed that Finn was across the room for him and noticed the look on his face.

"You alright?", Finn asked.
"Yeah...and no", Jake replied.
"What's up?"
"Hunter just told me that Liv and I might be out together on TV."
"That's great! Isn't it?"
"Yeah, it is. It's just. He told me that it's because Vince has sent Ruby and Sarah off to SmackDown."
"Liv must be distraught! Is she okay?"
"That's the thing. I'm not allowed to tell her!"
"Hunter told me to keep it a secret because she's going to find out live tonight."
"Dude, that blows."
"I know. And I just had to lie straight to her face when she asked me about what he said to me. She's gonna be crushed tonight."
"It'll be okay, man. Just try to be there for her after she finds out".
"Yeah, that's my plan. I just feel so bad about having to lie to her."
"It's not your fault. The boss asked you to do it."
Yeah. I guess you're right. Thanks"
"No problem, brother."

Finn shook Jake's hand before leaving to locker room. Jake let out another sigh before he started to get into his gear for tonight. He strapped up his boots and took a deep breath before he let the locker room. Jake walked to catering where he noticed Liv sitting by herself on her phone. It looked like she was in the middle on a call. He walked over and sat next to her.

"Ugh!! Why won't you pick up!?", Liv yelled.
"What's going on?", Jake asked.
"Ruby and Sarah aren't picking up their phones and I haven't seen them at all since we got here."

"Shit!", Jake thought. "I have to make up something else now."

"Maybe they're stuck in traffic or something?", he said. "Or maybe they're busy talking to Vince or something. I'm sure they'll turn up."
"Yeah, I guess.", Liv replied sadly.
"Come on. Don't worry about it. I'm sure they're fine. But in the meantime‍‍‍, we have to get ready for that segment."
"Alright", Liv said softly.

To be continued

Liv In The Moment (Liv Morgan x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن