
518 8 0

May 24, 2020

Salt Lake City, UT
This was it, tonight was Jake's big moment. The night he wins the Intercontinental Championship. The night that he cements his place in the Raw roster. The night he wins WWE's second most prestigious title. A title held by some of WWE's biggest names, both past and present. The likes of Pat Patterson, Mr Perfect, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, Triple H, Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, The Miz, Seth Rollins. The list was almost endless, and tonight, Jake Blade would be joining that list.

What made tonight even better was the fact that the love of his life would be in is corner as well. Tonight was the beginning of Jake's legacy.

Jake was getting ready in his locker room. No fancy gear tonight, just his regular tights and jacket. He was serious. No flashy gear, no big entrance. Just a guy going to the ring to prove he's a better man than his opponent. Jake finished with his boots and put on his shirt and jacket before leaving the locker room and heading to his pre match interview. He was met by a few production people and Kayla Braxton, who was conducting the interview.

"I'm standing by with the number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship, Jake Blade.", Kayla began. "Jake, tonight is your second opportunity to capture the Intercontinental Championship, what's your game plan tonight and how does it differ from your match last month at Backlash?"

"Thanks for having me Kayla.", Jake said. "You're right, tonight is my second opportunity at the championship. But the only reason I'm not Intercontinental Champion right now, is because of a 5 foot, 100 pound mole that hangs off the side of Andrade. Those two have been holding the prestigious Intercontinental Championship hostage for close to 9 months now. A title that's been held by over 50 current and future WWE Hall of Famers. A championship that I've wanted ever since I was a child. As for my game plan, it's pretty simple. I go out there and do what I do best, and out wrestle my opponent and prove why I deserve to be here and why I'm the best."

"But what about the factor of Zelina Vega? Are you not worried about her getting involved once again and costing you the match?"

"Great question, Kayla. We both know what Zelina Vega is capable of when she's at ringside. She's cost countless superstars matches, including myself. But that's why I've organised myself a little insurance policy for tonight. To make sure that no one gets in between me and the Intercontinental Championship."

Jake walked away leaving Kayla looking into the camera confused.

Jake walked towards catering to hang out for a bit before his match later in the night. He saw Liv sitting at a table in the back of the room with Finn and Bayley. Liv noticed him as well and called him over.

"Babe! Come sit with us!", Liv called out.
"Evening everyone", Jake said as he sat down next to his girlfriend and pulled her into a hug.

"Big night for you, hey?", Finn said.

"Yeah, you could say that. Both of us really."

"Must be nice to have your partner in your corner for moments like this", Bayley said.

"It's definitely gonna make tonight just that little bit more special", Jake replied.

Liv smiled and squeezed Jake tighter in their hug. The group continued to take for a while longer before Jake and Liv were called to gorilla for the match. They met up with Andrade and Zelina in gorilla. Although they were in a very heated rivalry, there was a mutual respect between both champion and challenger in real life. Jake and Andrade shared a nod before Andrade and Vega made their entrance.

"This is it, baby", Liv said. "This is your moment."
"No, Liv. This is OUR moment", Jake replied.

The couple shared a kiss before Jake's theme played. He let out a deep breath before heading through the curtain to begin his entrance. He started his entrance but stopped on the stage. You could hear Michael Cole and Corey Graves on commentary.

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