3 Months Later

486 8 0

July 11, 2021

Extreme Rules
Cleveland, OH
Liv is sitting in catering with Bayley and Seth as they watch their good friend Finn Balor, defend his Universal Championship against Bray Wyatt. Finn looked to be taking control for a moment but Bray seemed to have an answer for everything Finn three at him.

Wyatt has done everything he could to get to this match. Since defending Jake at Wrestlemania 37, Bray had been on a complete tear of the Raw locker room. He left a trail of broken bones and mangled bodies throughout the WWE. Unluckily for him, Finn wasn't just some ordinary competitor.

No matter how much pain Wyatt was putting him through, Finn was still able to fight back into the match. His fellow superstars were really starting to worry about his health.

"Guys, this match is starting to scare me", Bayley said.

"I know what you mean", Seth replied. "I don't know how much more of this he can take".

"Even if he somehow manages to pull out the win here, I don't know if he'll actually survive this", Liv said.

"Finn's a fighter! There's no challenge too great and no enemy too big for him", Seth added.

Just as he said that Wyatt laid Finn out with a massive uranage through a table in the middle of the ring.

"The extreme rules stipulation isn't doing him any favours either", Liv said.

"Yeah, Bray will do absolutely anything to win the match", Bayley said.

"You're telling me", Seth added.

Wyatt went to a corner and fell back into his signature spider pose. He walked up where Finn was laying and set him up for the Sister Abigail.

"Oh no!", Bayley yelled out.

"This might be it", Liv replied.

At that moment, Finn shot up out of Wyatt's grasp and began to fight back. He hit Wyatt with a few clotheslines and then followed through with a sling blade. Wyatt tumbled towards a corner. He used the ropes to pull himself up but that just left him in the perfect position for Balor's shotgun dropkick. Finn ran at full speed at Wyatt and shot him right in the chest with the dropkick. Bray tumbled down in front of him, in the perfect position for the Coup De Grace.

"Yes! Come on Finn boy!", Seth cheered on from backstage.

"You've got this!", Bayley added.

"Come on! Come on!", Liv continued.

Balor climbed the ropes and set his mark on Wyatt for the double foot stomp. All of a sudden, the lights in the arena went out.

"Oh great, another one of Wyatt's dumb tricks!", Seth groaned.

But this time, it wasn't just a crappy little trick. This time, when the lights came back on, there stood a mysterious figure in the middle of the ring. He was wearing a long tattered jacket with a hood and the right arm missing. He had black ripped pants and black wrist tape. He looked like a wrestler with the elbow pads and boots, but no one could work out who it was.

The mystery man removed the cloth covering his face to reveal his identity, Jake Blade

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The mystery man removed the cloth covering his face to reveal his identity, Jake Blade. It had been 3 months since he had last been seen. He had grown out his beard as well as the rest of his body hair, and he allowed his hair to return to its natural dark brown rather than the bleach blonde he was known for. It looked like he had gained a little extra muscle in his time off as well.

Jake grabbed Finn by the throat from the top rope and dropped him down with a chokeslam

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Jake grabbed Finn by the throat from the top rope and dropped him down with a chokeslam. Wyatt got to his feet smiling, before lifting Finn up and connecting with a Sister Abigail, driving Balor's head straight into the canvass.


"Here is your winner, and the NEW WWE Universal Champion, Bray Wyatt!"

The referee tried to hand the belt over to Bray, but Jake snatched it off of him. He threatened the referee, who quickly made and exit from the ring. Jake handed the title to his new master, who placed it on the floor in front of him. Bray dropped down to his knees and held his arms out to the side. Jake stood behind him and raised his arms out as well. The Outlaw had just cost his "friend" the Universal Championship.

Jake Blade had finally sold his soul to Bray Wyatt

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